The recipe for puff yeast dough. Video

The recipe for puff yeast dough. Video

Puff yeast dough is the basis for culinary creativity. Make it according to the miracle recipe and bring your gastronomic fantasies to life in the form of fragrant rolls, cookies, cakes, dessert and hearty pies. Follow all the guidelines and you will find that there is nothing supernatural about making a fluffy puff pastry.

Ingredients (for 1,5 kg of dough): – 4,5 tbsp. wheat flour; – 1,5 tsp. dry yeast; – 1 chicken egg; – 1,5 tbsp. water; – 2 tbsp. l. powdered milk and granulated sugar; – 2 tsp fine salt; – 4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

Dissolve yeast and 1 tbsp. l. sugar in 0,5 tbsp. heated water. Wait 20 minutes until bubbles appear, then add the remaining sugar, break the egg and stir well. Sift the flour through a sieve and form it into a slide on the table or in a bowl. Make a depression in the top of the mountain and put milk powder mixed with salt there, then pour in vegetable oil, yeast solution and warm water.

Gathering the flour with your hands from the edges to the center, gently knead the dough. Transfer it to a clean, dry dish, sprinkle it with a little flour or grease it with butter to prevent the formation of a crust and put it in the heat for 1,5–2 hours. Knead the risen mass thoroughly to remove the accumulated carbon dioxide, and let it come up for another 40-60 minutes.

If the room is too cool, place the bowl of dough in a large container half full with warm water. Change the water as it cools

Puff yeast dough: rolling

You will need: – 1,5 kg of yeast dough; – 100 g of butter; – a rolling pin or glass bottle.

Leave the butter at room temperature for 40 minutes. Roll out the dough into a large tortilla, making it as square as possible. Its thickness should be no more than 8 mm. Spread it with a thin, even layer of softened butter with the back of a tablespoon, leaving 5 cm wide edge strips. Wrap the layer in 3 folds, applying 1/3 of the length from the edges to the center. Do the same with the resulting rectangle and put it in the refrigerator for 25 minutes. Roll out the dough again, this time using the rolling pin very carefully so as not to squeeze the fat out and cause damage. Lubricate the re-layer with oil, roll it up again and put it in the cold.

Rotate the envelopes 90 degrees each time before rolling out the dough again. This will make the layers more uniform and beautiful.

Repeat the described sanding steps 3 more times. Use flour if necessary, but only a small amount. You can also roll the dough through parchment paper so you don’t need additional flour, which will improve the quality of the finished product. Store your puff yeast dough on the top refrigerator shelf. When making baked goods from it, do not open the oven for at least the first 7 minutes, otherwise it will settle.

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