The recipe for homemade makeup remover

The recipe for homemade makeup remover

Are you looking for a healthy cleansing lotion that respects your skin? Here are two “homemade” recipes, easy to make, economical and very effective.

More and more women are becoming more demanding when it comes to the quality and composition of the products they apply to their skin. These consumers opt for natural substances, and organic as far as possible. And since it is not always possible to find these miracle products in stores, why not make them yourself? Here’s everything you need to know to make a homemade makeup remover.

Why choose a homemade makeup remover?

Scientific studies follow and look alike and all come to the same conclusion: We know very little about the health effects of the dozens of chemicals that we apply to our skin on a daily basis.

And when studies have looked at certain substances in particular, they have proven the dramatic consequences on health. This is the case with products such as parabens, triclosan or even phthalates, whose endocrine disrupting character has been recognized on many occasions..

These substances are gradually being banned in cosmetics marketed in the European Union, but caution remains in order for all the other chemicals that manufacturers still use today.

If you only wear makeup occasionally

Depending on your makeup habits, various makeup removing lotion recipes are feasible. And if you are one of those who only wear makeup very lightly, and not every day, a very simple and very economical method is to apply to your skin, using a cotton ball, a vegetable oil of your choice. Sesame oil or avocado oil are very suitable for this function and will quickly remove your makeup..

Once cleansed, cleanse your skin with chamomile or peppermint hydrosol, for example, then apply your usual cream.

For daily and practical make-up removal

If you are a fan of makeup in all circumstances, this recipe will be more suitable. In a bottle, mix three tablespoons of natural aloe gel, with a tablespoon of jojoba, grapeseed or sweet almond oil if you have dry skin. Add a tablespoon of liquid virgin coconut oil, mix, and apply!

Be careful, this homemade makeup remover, like most products that you will make yourself, has a shelf life of a few weeks, so do not anticipate too much and prefer to manufacture it in small quantities.

What if you don’t wear makeup?

All skin specialists will tell you: removing makeup daily is an essential step, whether you wear makeup or not. Removing makeup not only removes your makeup, but also the impurities that have accumulated on your face throughout the day.

Do not neglect this step which will only take you a few minutes in the evening, to have the assurance of healthy and beautiful skin every day, even without makeup !

Gaelle Latour

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