the real story of “The Snake for Easter”

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! The article “Life in the Country: The Real Story of the Easter Snake” describes an incident from village life on the day of Easter. Hope you find it interesting.

Snake for Easter

My aunt, Galina Petrovna, knew perfectly well that you cannot work on Easter – they say it is a great sin. But it just so happened that my aunt had excuses for everything, and this day was no exception.

“If there is a God, then he is merciful and kind, he will surely forgive,” she said.

And so Galina Petrovna decided to wash the clothes, which had accumulated over the past week. She almost forced her husband Anatoly to pull out a washing machine into the yard (there are still no “machines” in many villages) and draw water into it. At first he tried to reason with his wife:

– Are you out of your mind? Under no circumstances should be washed today. Great holiday!

Aunt Galya gave her husband a displeased look, and he decided to obey. Plugged the plug into the outlet, took some water, even threw in some linen, pressed the button – the machine did not work.

Anatoly has checked everything that is possible – the device is fully functional. But the car did not want to start in any! But just a week ago, she worked like a clock.

Stubborn woman

Anatoly knew that his wife would never back down and therefore took out another washing machine from the closet, old, but quite working. Plugged it in – and it didn’t start either!

Shreds were no longer laughing. But the wife brought down a flurry of reproaches on the unfortunate man: they say, everything works there, just your hands are growing from one place. Anatoly made one last attempt to convey to his wife that it was forbidden to wash on Easter.

It is not for nothing that from time immemorial the people followed this tradition! To know, it really is a sin! But Galina Petrovna didn’t even want to hear anything:

– Either I wash today, or you and your children will wear dirty clothes all week!

For another half hour, the man tried unsuccessfully to start at least one washing machine, but it was all in vain.

– Galya, for God’s sake, wash yourself tomorrow!

– No! – the wife was stubborn. – Either today, or I will not wash at all for six months later! Go to your neighbor, let her borrow her washing machine.

– Ugh, you stubborn woman! – the man was offended and went to a neighbor for a third typewriter. Dragged into the yard, set it up as it should be.


Galina immediately ran up, pushed back the lid, looked inside and … collapsed into a swoon.

– What the hell?! – thought Anatoly and rushed to help his wife.

I somehow brought her to her senses. She came to, but sat on the ground in silence, pale with horror. Then the husband decided to see what had frightened his wife so much. He looked inside the washing machine and jumped back abruptly.

At the bottom of the drum, curled up in a ring, lay a huge viper! Seeing Anatoly, she raised her head and hissed threateningly. Still in a state of passion, the man ran into the barn, brought from there large pincers, grabbed the snake’s neck with them and pulled the viper out of the machine.

Then he pulled the reptile by the garage and cut off its head. Having buried the snake, Anatoly returned to the courtyard to his wife. She did not understand anything.

– How are you? Fine? – the man took his wife into the house and laid her on the sofa. – Let’s rest better, while I’ll return the car to my neighbor.

The next day Galina Petrovna started doing the laundry again. And both washing machines worked fine. After this incident, the woman decided not to tempt fate and did not work at home on church holidays. Apparently and true, it is a sin.

Friends, why is it not recommended to work on church holidays? Bright holidays are given to people so that on this day they can take a rest from worldly worries and vanity, think about their souls. To go to church, pray, visit relatives and friends.

But if on this day you have to work (to help old people or helpless people), it will not be a sin.

Friends, if you liked the article “Village Life: The Real Story of” The Snake for Easter “, share it on social networks. 😉 Until next time! There are many stories ahead.

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