The real difference between Iberian ham and Serrano ham

The real difference between Iberian ham and Serrano ham


The origin of the animal, as well as the quality and quantity of the fat in the final product, make it possible to differentiate the two types of meat derivatives at a nutritional level.

The real difference between Iberian ham and Serrano ham

Color, texture and flavor are some of the characteristics that allow distinguish Iberian ham from Serrano ham. Both are, according to the name of the Spanish Food Code, «products made with the rear end (ham) and front end (shoulder) that have undergone a salting process, possibly accompanied by the addition of spices, condiments and additives, washing, resting or post-salting and maturing and drying for a sufficient time to give it its own organoleptic characteristics ”. However, when it comes to establishing specific differences between the two, they differ in the type of pig from which they come and in the nutritional qualities of the resulting product.

Both Serrano and Iberian ham are products with a large amount of high-quality protein, digestibility, fat content, vitamins (folic acid, B1, B6, B12 and vitamin E) and minerals (sodium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium and zinc). But they have notable differences.

Differences in fat

But from the point of view nutritionalAs Dr. Elena Aguilar, dietician-nutritionist of the Professional College of Dietitians-Nutritionists of Madrid (Codinma), clarifies, the most notable difference between Serrano and Iberian ham is the quantity and quality of fat. As he explains, this varies remarkably depending on factors including the feeding of the animal, the age of slaughter and the breed of the pig.

In the case of acorn-fed Iberian ham, for example, Dr. Aguilar highlights the «interlocking arrangement of fat, which is rich in oleic acid by the type of diet based on that fruit. In this sense, the expert recalls that oleic acid is present in extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) and avocado and that its protective effect against the risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases. Of course, the dietitian-nutritionist insists that The consumption of this food should not be abused based on these benefits, but can be consumed in a timely manner.

The best quality fat will be that of an Iberian ham fed with acorn, according to Iñaki Elío, academic director of the Degree in Nutrition at the European University of the Atlantic. Regarding the health benefits and the recommended amounts, the expert cites the study carried out in 2015 by the Endothelium and Cardiometabolic Medicine Unit of the Hospital Ramón y Cajal (published in “The Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging”, in which they were observed the benefits of acorn ham. The study compared the effects of consuming 50 grams per day of bait and acorn ham in 100 healthy subjects. The conclusion was that 50 grams a day is not harmful to health and that acorn-fed ham moderately reduces blood pressure and improves blood circulation. Although Professor Elío clarifies that more studies are necessary to confirm the results and conclude that this type of ham is the best for health.

Another difference is that if the Iberian ham is compared with the Serrano ham, the content of vitamin E and amino acids such as tryptophan and the methionine it is higher in the case of Iberian, while the amount of saturated fatty acids is higher in the Serrano.

Differences in origin

They are named differently depending on the race from which they come. The call «100% Iberian ham» indicates that the parents of the animal are pure Iberian pig breed and that they are registered in the corresponding herd book.

El Iberian ham indicates that they are 50% Iberian, with the specifications governed by law. As Dr. Aguilar explains, the food industry is obliged to show on the label the percentage of Iberian breed that the Iberian hams have.

They are also classified, as Iñaki Elío recalls, according to the mode of feeding: acorn, field bait and bait. «In the case of acorn, the animal is fed from November to March with acorns, herbs and other natural resources from the pasture. Those of bait have been fed with cereal and legume feed and those of field bait are fed with feed but their life is in the open air so they have also been able to take advantage of resources from the pasture “, he comments.

the name Serrano ham is a seal of quality ETG (Traditional Specialty Guaranteed) which means, as the Codinma expert reveals, that it is a product resulting from a method of production, transformation or composition that corresponds to the traditional practice applicable to this food. Therefore, this term includes hams obtained by curing-maturing that do not respond to a percentage of Iberian, that is, they can be of any type of white pig. “The curing period is shorter than in the case of the Iberian, from 7 to 16 months, and it is cured in the mountains, that is to say cold and dry,” adds Professor Elío.

According to the curing time, hams are classified as cellar or cellar (9 months), reserve or aged (1 year) or grand reserve (15 months).

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