The rash in the child’s mouth is small, red: causes
A rash in a child’s mouth and an unpleasant odor are signs of an infection in the mouth. As a result, it becomes difficult to eat, as the baby is experiencing constant discomfort. Therefore, when the first symptoms appear, it is necessary to be examined by a pediatrician and pediatric dentist in order to receive recommendations for treatment.
The main causes of rash in the mouth
Children still have weak immunity, so any harmful microbes after entering the child’s body begin to multiply intensively. Usually, a rash in the mouth area appears due to exposure to pathogenic bacteria.
A rash in a child’s mouth appears due to the activity of bacteria
A rash can occur as a result of the activity of various pathogens and is a symptom of a number of diseases. The most common ones are:
- Stomatitis. Harmful microorganisms enter the oral cavity through various objects that the baby brings to the mouth – toys, dishes, poorly washed food. At first, small rashes do not bother the child, but over time, their number increases, they become painful. The kid is naughty, refuses to eat, cries.
- Viral pemphigus. Enterovirus is transmitted by airborne droplets. In the case of such a pathology, rashes appear not only in the mouth, but also on the delicate skin of the buttocks and hands.
- Candidiasis. It can be passed on to the baby from the mother, so if a diagnosis of thrush is made, you need to undergo a full course of treatment. To eliminate the fungal infection, the oral cavity is treated with a weak soda solution.
Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. Self-medication can be dangerous for your baby, as some medications cause allergies.
How is a small red rash treated?
Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine why the rash appeared. The doctor then prescribes local antiseptic and antimicrobial agents. The following drugs may be prescribed:
- Rotokan extract for lotions;
- Miramistin solution for mouthwash for children over 3 years old;
- Furacilin tablets, highly soluble in water.
Any of these drugs must be prescribed by a doctor. You can also use a decoction of oak bark, infusions of medicinal plants – calendula, chamomile, sage. They are effective and non-allergenic.
Usually, rashes in the mouth are easily treated without a hospital. To prevent their occurrence in the future, you need to observe the hygiene of the baby, constantly wash his toys, feed from separate dishes.