The quality of the sperm is getting worse. Find out what harms sperm

Scientists analyzed semen samples of over 33. men and came to disturbing conclusions. Air pollution can negatively affect sperm motility and their ability to move in the right direction.

  1. Scientists from the University of Tongij in Shanghai analyzed semen samples of over 33. men with an average age of 34, exposed to air pollution, living in 340 cities in China
  2. Their research suggests that smaller particles that pollute the air have a greater effect on sperm motility
  3. Researchers believe that this is another reason to limit the exposure of young men to smog. Professor Allan Pacey, in an interview with “The Guardian”, emphasizes, however, that there is not enough data to say how much the polluted environment affects the possibility of becoming a father
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The research results were published in the journal “JAMA Network Open”. Researchers indicate that the tiniest particles of pollutants can be particularly dangerous. «Our research shows that smaller particles have a stronger negative effect on sperm motility»- researchers wrote the citation by« The Guardian ».

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Researchers at Tongji University in Shanghai analyzed sperm samples for over 33 people. men. They were 34 on average, from 340 different cities across China, and were exposed to different degrees of pollution. The partners of these men became pregnant with their sperm and the use of assisted reproductive methods.

Scientists studied the quality of the sperm. It was determined on the basis of number and concentration spermas well as checking their mobility.

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While they did not notice any significant correlation between contamination and sperm count or concentration, it was not so with regard to mobility. In the event of exposure to the smallest particles (up to 2,5 micometers), according to The Guardian, sperm mobility decreased by 3,6 percent. A smaller decrease (by 2,4%) was observed for particles with a diameter of 10 micrometers.

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– A possible link between air pollution and semen quality has been suggested in many studies over the years, although not all agreed. This article completes the knowledge. It is impressive because over 30 thousand people have been tested. people, said Allan Pacey, professor of andrology at the University of Sheffield, in an interview with the British daily newspaper.

At the same time, Pacey emphasizes that research results should be approached with a certain distance. While they indicate that sperm motility is reduced, this decrease appears to be modest. The professor noted that the study did not show whether the contamination may be responsible for the deformation of the sperm and therefore their mobility is reduced, or whether there are any other reasons. The study does not answer the question of whether living in polluted areas can reduce the chances of men becoming a father.

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