The puzzle you must complete to discover your talent at work

The puzzle you must complete to discover your talent at work

personal development

Reinventing yourself does not consist in becoming another person, but in being who we really are and for that it is important to learn to fit our pieces

The puzzle you must complete to discover your talent at work

Throughout life we ​​are carried away by a way of thinking and acting that is the result of routine, environment and personal circumstances. We normalize things like panicking at the approach of Monday, getting moody about work-related issues or living every day, unjustifiably, feelings such as apathy, sadness or envy. But we do not give these signals the importance they really have because, as explained by Fernando Guaza, entrepreneurship consultant at Iniciatumarketing, they may indicate that a job change is urgently needed or even, taking a step further, that we need to reinvent ourselves.

“Reinvent yourself” it has become such a hackneyed concept that it has become distorted and even void of content. That is why the idea of ​​reinvention proposed by Fernando Guaza focuses on the self-knowledge and in what one can get out of oneself and not in what one might seek or find outside. “Reinventing yourself is not about becoming someone else but about being who I really am,” he explains.

The expert is convinced that it cannot exist professional reinvention without having experienced a personal transformation. And for this he ensures that it is necessary to question the beliefs that have led you to the point where you are. «All change implies out of the comfort zone where we are and learn what we need to get what we want. If we are not achieving something in our lives, it is because we do not know what is necessary to obtain it or because we believe that what we know is correct even though it is not actually correct, ”says Guaza.

That is why the first thing is to become aware of whether we are living the life we ​​want and take responsibility for our situation. “Only from responsibility can we begin to change,” proposes Guaza.

Questions to discover your talent

Where do I begin? By eliminate enemies like tension, stress, and a sense of need. As Enrique Jurado, director of D’Arte Coaching explains, it is important to block those phrases that begin with “I have what” because they are part of the “noises” that prevent us from knowing what it is. what the heart or soul really wants, which is the place where talent resides.

We all have, innately, something with which we can add value to other people. “And discovering what it is has a lot to do with what we like, what interests us and what motivates us,” says Guaza. What are you talking about with passion? What information do you look for frequently? What topic of conversation catches your eye when you go on the bus? They may seem like trivial questions, but they are a good insight into the essence of talent.

Ask yourself this other question as well: What do I want to be?»When trying to give an answer, as revealed by Enrique Jurado, some sensations will arise related to what we liked to do when we were little, such as singing, dancing, speaking in public, writing, practicing sports … This does not mean that as adults we want to be , for example, professional dancers. But it is important to take into account the feelings that the activities that we evoke arouse, since they have a lot to do with what can satisfy us. «The key question is that this activity can be a metaphor for what you need to be happy in your work … freedom? expression? Creativity? … Think », he proposes.

A practical idea to eliminate this “noise” is to disconnect from day to day and connect with nature, looking for a quiet place where we can hear the silence. You can do this practice at home or in any space, but it is true that nature helps us connect with our essence.

To begin to investigate the entrepreneur Fernando Guaza proposes three main areas: our natural gifts, Our passions and interests and finally, our skills and knowledge.

Once you are ready to listen to yourself, it is time to identify fears, that which blocks you or paralyzes you. For this, there is a key question: “If you were not afraid, if you knew that everything was going to be okay, what would you do?” If the answer is clear, it is time to relativize them. As Jurado explains, in the field of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming) there are numerous dynamics to unblock these fears. One of them is to practice this exercise:

how to unlock fear

  • 1. Describe and define what you are afraid of.
  • 2. To that answer, ask: “If that happens, what is the worst that can happen?”
  • 3. To the answer to this question, ask again: “And if that happens, what is the worst that can happen?”
  • And so on, until you can realize that what you are afraid of is not really serious at all.

Regarding the practice of this exercise, the director of D’Arte Coaching explains: “If you can manage the worst that can happen, you can relativize that fear of failure that is horrible for you,” he says.

When you know what you want you have done the most difficult part of the process, but you are not done. That inner work is necessary, but not enough, because you have to look for technical ways to make that dream come true. Now is the time to study the “how” and ask yourself questions like: Can I do it alone or do I need help? Through coaching, entrepreneurship launches, popular initiatives that provide tools to the entrepreneur and public and private aid, it is possible to start to define what we need to start our idea of personal and professional reinvention.

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