The psychopractor: when and why to consult?

The psychopractor: when and why to consult?

The psychopractor is a health professional who uses a recognized method of therapy to treat a psychological or relational difficulty encountered by the patient who consults him. How to choose the right psychopractor? Which therapeutic method is best suited to your problem.

What is a psychopractor?

Psychopractic is a term which groups together all the professions that use psychotherapy or alternative medicine (soft method of care) in order to treat a situation of discomfort, a relational difficulty, or a psychological, cognitive or behavioral disorder leading to the patient consulted.

The name “psychopractor” succeeds that of “psychotherapist” which has become a reserved title1. Indeed, the psychotherapist must have completed specific training to which he can only have access by holding a doctorate in medicine or a master’s degree in psychology or psychoanalysis.

Conversely, the psychopractor is a profession free of employment: anyone can claim it, as long as he exercises a recognized method of care dedicated to mental well-being.

How to recognize a certified psychopractor?

If you are reading these lines, you are probably looking for the right “psychopractor”. The first advice you will get here is to turn to a certified health professional who has received specific training in psychopractic as well as in the recognized method in which he specializes.

Labels of psychopractors

Training provides access to the title of psychopractor covered by the GLPR or “Relational Psychotherapy Liaison Group” which brings together two unions (Psy’G and SNPPsy) and two national federations (FF2P and Affop). It is preferable to opt for practitioners who have graduated from these training courses and who hold one of the following labels:

  • FF2P certified psychopractors;
  • Psychopractors Psy’G;
  • Relational psychopractors® (title approved by the INPI, supervised by the SNPPsy and the Affop).

The training of the certified psychopractor

To obtain a label, the psychopractor received lessons including personal psychotherapy, training in a recognized method and training in clinical psychopathology.

The psychopractor is also subject to permanent supervision throughout his professional practice, the professional code of ethics and accreditation by a national committee of peers.

Which psychopractic method to choose?

Each psychopractor specializes in one or more methods. The choice of your healthcare professional therefore depends on your problem and the method most suited to it.



Psychological disturbances

(Depression, anxiety, stress, bereavement, separation, trauma, behavioral disorders, sleep disorders …)

Individual therapies : psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), person-centered approach, gestalt therapy, person-centered approach, motivational psychotherapy, sophia-analysis, transpersonal approaches , the integrative approach, the systemic approach, psychogenealogy.

Sensory and psycho-corporal therapies: somatotherapy, character-analytical vegetotherapy, psycho-body approaches, psycho-organic analysis, impact therapy, the Vittoz method, biological decoding.

Altered states of consciousness and emotion management techniques: eriksonin hypnosis, hypnosis, meditation, daydreaming, rebirth (conscious breathing), EMDR, EFT.

Relationship difficulties

Group therapies : couples therapy, family therapy, psychodrama, family constellation.

Communication therapies: process communication, non-violent communication (NVC), transactional analysis, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP).

Life coaching – personal development

Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), life coaching, psychosynthesis, acceptance and commitment therapy, enneagram, biodanza.

Well-being – Relaxation

Relaxation: yoga, shiatsu, sophrology, relaxation, reiki, music therapy, art therapy, reflexology, Qi gong, biodynamic massages, fasciatherapy.

Wellness: phytotherapy, naturopathy, music therapy, art therapy, reflexology, ayurveda, aromatherapy, kinesiology …

Find a psychopractor by method and according to your region in the directory of psychopractors.

Psychopractor: the reasons for consulting

As you can see, there are as many methods as there are reasons for psychopractic consultation. It may be appropriate to consult a psychopractor in different situations:

  • If you have a psychological / psychiatric disorder and that you seek to alleviate the symptoms. For psychiatric disorders (mood disorders, eating disorders, anxiety, OCD, psychotic disorders, sleep disorders, etc.), the consultation of a psychopractor can be complementary to psychiatric care and drug treatment. associate. For example, in the case of obsessive-compulsive disorder, consultation with a meditation (or cognitive-behavioral therapy) professional complements psychiatric follow-up including the administration of antidepressants and anxiolytics.
  • If you cross a hard time (bereavement, burn-out, separation, trauma). In this case psychotherapy may be necessary (psychoanalysis, systemic therapy). The practice of a relaxation discipline (yoga, relaxation, massage…) can also relieve the patient.
  • If you experience difficulties in dealing with a particular situation whether on a professional, sentimental, family, financial or administrative level. In this case, the methods of coaching and personal development are adapted.
  • If you are having relationship difficulties within your couple or your family, relationship therapies are ideal (couple therapy, family therapy, etc.).

Finally, even if you do not suffer from any particular problem but want to improve the management of your emotions and your daily life, consulting a psychopractor can be effective.

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