The habit of living in disorder is not at all harmless. There can be many reasons behind it that you have not even thought about.
Inner woman asks for active attention
Feminine energy is responsible for the chaos from which she creates reality. Male energy loves order, logic and consistency. If everything in your life is scheduled for six months in advance, life is planned out to the smallest detail, you do everything based on logic and common sense, there is a chance that the inner woman will begin to actively demand her manifestation. And since it will be very difficult for her to manifest herself with logical, and not intuitive thinking, the only possible option is to declare herself through chaos. Chaos and disorder is the material from which she can create a new reality. Try to look at things around in a new way, do something new that requires creativity. If you let your creative needs out, you can create a lot more order in your life.
Revolt against the system
Let’s say your childhood was spent with strict parents who forced you to put things in order every night. Or if you broke up with an abuser who demanded perfect order in the apartment. If so, be prepared for the fact that, having escaped to freedom, you will not be able to maintain order. It will take you time to realize – yes, you are really free, nothing is pressing on you anymore. And unconsciously, you will create chaos, taking revenge on those who forced you to maintain a certain state of affairs against your will. Just be aware of this fact and decide how long you will allow yourself to rebel. It will pass over time. Once you admit there is a problem, you are halfway to solving it.
Perhaps you have been marking time for a long time and will not finish the project in any way, will not say the same words to your partner, or you will not finally buy a gym membership. You are constantly held back by something. Keep in mind that clutter is the perfect condition for surrendering to difficulties or sitting in a quiet corner and avoiding change. After all, as soon as you put things in order, you will immediately understand that it is time to move on. It is this moment that you put off.
Fear of the future
Chaos in space creates chaos in the head, therefore, if you are afraid to live, then unconsciously you will constantly make a mess. It is understandable – in a mountain of things and trash it is very convenient to hide from life. You can mimic, merge with all this and hide from life under the motto “I’m in the house, don’t touch me.” By the way, if you put things in order, it turns out that life and the future are not so scary. These are just brain fantasies, amplified by your own domestic chaos.
Hoarding and living in the past
Maybe you have so many things in your house that it has become simply impossible to maintain order? It means that the time has come to get rid of the old and enter into a new life. Look closely at the space around you. And answer honestly to yourself the questions: “How old is everything that fills this space? What information and emotions do these things carry? Do these things make you happy? If not, why do they fill the space of your life and apartment? ” It is possible that after this analysis, half of your belongings will find new owners. After all, there are a huge number of needy people and aid funds who will gladly take your past away from you.