There comes a time when a woman thinks about having a child. However, conceiving a child is not always a simple procedure. Sometimes, with all the efforts of the couple, the desired pregnancy does not occur. There are several reasons for this. For more detailed information, turned to a specialist, a reproductive physician at the IVF reproductive health clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences Olga Aleksandrovna Kravtsova.
Olga Aleksandrovna Kravtsova, reproductive physician at the IVF Clinic for Reproductive Health, Candidate of Medical Sciences
– What are the reasons for the absence of pregnancy are, are known, are common?
– There can be two reasons – either it is a man or a woman. We will talk about female infertility. Of course, the absence of pregnancy in the absence of any contraceptive measures is, in fact, the most important symptom of infertility. But it is very often confused with the causes of infertility – various problems in the body that interfere with normal conception.
– For example, what?
– These reasons can be of various kinds: from visually noticeable and taken for manifestations of infertility, to completely imperceptible, nevertheless, they do not allow a woman to know the joys of motherhood. Another very important and not so rare cause of female infertility is the tubal-peritoneal factor, when for some reason the fallopian tubes are impassable. Adhesion of the pelvic organs is often the result of various operations on the abdominal cavity, as well as past sexually transmitted infections. When planning pregnancy with ART methods, in addition to testing for infections, the patient should check the patency of the fallopian tubes by undergoing diagnostic laparoscopy or metrosalpingography. Another reason for not getting pregnant can be problems with the endometrium. In this regard, in preparation for IVF, it is recommended to conduct a comprehensive examination of the state of the endometrium. In this case, both invasive and non-invasive methods can be used.
– Can a woman somehow understand herself that something is wrong in the body, why she cannot get pregnant?
– There are certain warning signs that can lead a woman to think that she is not all right with her reproductive function, and will prompt her to seek examination and treatment. Infertility is primary, when the patient has never had pregnancies, and secondary, when the woman has previously had pregnancies, and there are also temporary problems in the body that prevent getting pregnant now or with a specific partner.
– And when a woman addresses the whole problem to specialists, what happens next?
– When a patient comes to us, we try to find the reason why she cannot get pregnant. Evaluation of endocrine and hormonal status is, of course, important in diagnosis, since this is the most common cause of infertility. Therefore, to exclude this cause of infertility, the patient must donate blood for hormones and undergo an ultrasound scan in order to control ovulation.
Treatment, of course, depends on the cause and can be aimed at correcting endocrine disorders, disorders of the endometrium, at restoring the patency of the fallopian tubes (if possible), and when STIs are detected, of course, their treatment. Prevention of female infertility is to prevent diseases of the genital organs, exclude promiscuous sexual intercourse, rejection of early sexual intercourse, family planning, refusal of abortion, identification of menstrual irregularities, regular visits to the gynecologist with mandatory examination, as well as the use of means of protection against infections transmitted sexually.
Clinic for reproductive health “IVF”
Samara, 443030, Karl Marx Ave., 6
8-800-550-42-99, free in Russia