Film «Radio Day»

In a difficult life situation, it makes sense to focus your attention only on what can be solved here and now.

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The film «Peaceful Warrior»

When you are on the rings, move for the sake of movement, be only here and now.

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Film «Chairman»

This strong man is a realist, but his soul is in the future that he will build!

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Film «The Amazon Code»

People from the Piraha tribe are happy and completely internally harmonious. Do you want to be like them in everything?

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The term «here and now» («here and now») is very popular. It is used in psychodrama, gestalt therapy, client-centered psychotherapy, non-directive hypnosis, and NLP. It was introduced into psychotherapy by the founder of psychodrama, J. L. Moreno, and this is how I formulate the principle of organizing the psychodramatic scene. The band members playing the roles had to act in the scene as if everything was happening «here and now», although the scene itself could refer to the distant past or future. This is one of the main principles of working at the training — to talk only about what is happening here and now, and not about what was once or could happen.

Following Jakob Moreno, the here and now principle was raised to the flag by Fritz Perls, making it one of the main principles of Gestaltherapy. By inviting clients to say “Now I am conscious” more often while simultaneously focusing on bodily states, Perls thus replaced the intellectual insights of psychoanalysis with a living reliving of the traumatic situation.

Today, the principle of «here and now» is most often understood as a state of mind when focusing attention on what is happening in this place and this second, without being distracted by reflections on the past and future.

To turn off reflections on the past and the future, it is not to be somewhere far away or with someone, but here. Not in the past or future, but now. And to decide, accordingly, only what is happening or can happen now, without being burdened by the problems of the future — or by what is not in our power now.

Similarly, the principle of «Here and Now» is a way of organizing attention, switching and focusing attention from the past (or future) to what is happening at this second and in this place. Is it right to live in the here and now? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. For children, infantile adults and people with problems, the ability to “be here and now” is usually very useful: the ability to be “here and now” increases personal adequacy, speed and clarity of response, and overall efficiency.

Indeed, children (including adult children) are easily distracted. Bright there, noisy in the other direction — and attention is no longer here. Things stopped or went wrong. And when the person gathered attention and returned to business, things started again.

When used correctly, the principle of «Here and Now» removes infantilism, helps to grow up. The man-child loves to dream, replacing difficult reality with sweet dreams. He remains in childhood. And when such a person returned to life, to the here and now, he got down to business, prepares himself for the future, accustoms himself to adulthood. If the principle of «here and now» does not prohibit thinking about the future, but is aimed at building the future, is the collection of available resources to move forward — this is an excellent principle.

The principle of «here and now» is good for solving difficult problems. Indeed, people with negative thinking see problems where there are none, the principle of «here and now» brings such people back to reality. Similarly, in neurosis, a person tends to plunge into the past or run away into the future. The reasons for this are different — sometimes going into the past is an escape from the difficult present, sometimes, on the contrary, a person cannot get away from the painful memories of the past … But the result is the same — the present is abandoned, which reduces the adequacy and breeds new problems. Instead of suffering from past failures or dreaming that everything will be great in the future (and at the same time fearing the future), it is useful to see the reality around you. Reality is not always shining and only cool and pleasant, but, as a rule, it is richer, more interesting and more promising than negative glitches.

You can get acquainted with the practice of using this technique by looking at the advice of F. Perls, as well as in the articles Hurry up to live in the present — Vyacheslav Pankratov or There is only a moment (Anton Perelomov).

Where the principle of «here and now» is superfluous and harmful?

When the principle of «here and now» distracts from negative thoughts or painful memories, it is a successful psychotherapeutic solution, useful as crutches for the patient. But what is good for the sick should not be thoughtlessly recommended to the healthy. The Here and Now is an important healing ground for the mentally ill, but those who have recovered come out of this healing ground and do not descend to it again. When the principle of «here and now» is uncritically promoted in relation to people who are adults, healthy and developing, it turns out to be rather harmful stupidity.

Yes, for people with negative thinking, the ability to be “here and now” is extremely important. On the other hand, it is wrong and stupid for everyone to always remain only “here and now”. What is useful for neurotics, people with negative thinking, is needed to a lesser extent for people who are healthy and vigorous. For a healthy, vigorous and strong person, living today is not enough, for a businessman it is stupid and impossible.

Today I have withdrawn all my money from my account and I am sitting in a fancy restaurant drinking my favorite wine. Here and now — complete happiness. And the fact that tomorrow, when my head hurts and I have nothing to pay, I prefer not to think. “Why think about tomorrow? Live here and now!» There is only a moment, and hold on to it! .. So?

A successful person remembers the past well and is focused on the future. The past can give the necessary experience, a look into the future helps to orient oneself.

Being a part of the personality “here and now” is a must. Getting involved in the here and now with the whole personality is unacceptable. The best part of the personality must be kept in values ​​and plans working for the future. It is natural for a strong healthy person to be in reality, to see everything that is happening «here and now», and at the same time to a greater extent live in the future. The more developed a person is, the more he lives — in the future!


For children, infantile adults and people with problems, the ability to be «here and now», turning off thoughts about the past and the future — as a rule, is very useful. When the «here and now» principle distracts from negative thoughts or painful memories, it is a successful psychotherapeutic solution. If this principle is advanced in relation to adults, healthy and developing people, it turns out to be rather harmful stupidity.

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