The principle of growing tomatoes according to Dutch technology

The Dutch method of growing tomatoes has become very common among vegetable growers in Our Country and the CIS countries. To gain the necessary experience in obtaining tomatoes in this way, many compatriots specially go to Holland. There they oversee the entire process of growing plants. It is about him that we will talk further.

What varieties are suitable

Tomato seeds must first be prepared for planting. And to use this particular growing method, you need to select suitable, “correct” seeds that are intended for growing in greenhouses. Tomatoes are divided into different types:

  • determinant;
  • low growing;
  • semi determinant;
  • medium bushes;
  • indeterminate;
  • tall bushes.

For the breeding technique described in this article, only medium-sized and tall types of plants are ideal. If you are interested in trying this growing method, you definitely need to know which varieties are suitable for Dutch results. As practice has shown, it is best to choose such varieties: Camry, President two, Hanni Moon, Debut and Raisa.

The principle of growing tomatoes according to Dutch technology

The essence of technology

This method has received worldwide recognition for its efficiency and productivity. vegetable growers have long understood the essence of the technology and successfully use it, getting excellent fruit yields. Tomatoes are very tasty, round and juicy. Dutch technology allows you to collect sixty or even sixty-five kilograms of tomatoes from one square meter.

To root the plant, a special mineral wool base is used. Due to many reasons, soil is not used at all. The most basic of them is that pests can start in ordinary black soil, which will definitely need to be destroyed using herbicides. Using mineral wool – this issue is excluded.

To comprehensively nourish the seedlings, it is enough to use ready-made fertilizer. It contains all the most necessary components.

The principle of growing tomatoes according to Dutch technology

The scheme of planting seedlings according to the Dutch technology

It will be enough to add it to the containers in which the soil mixture is located. In order to better carry out the procedure of photosynthesis of a plant, many use carbon dioxide. After all, with proper gas exchange, there will be a good harvest. The flowers of the plant are pollinated by bees, hornets or bumblebees, which must be launched at the time when the tomato plants are blooming. Before planting the seeds, the substrate must be thoroughly moistened. Place drainage on the bottom of the container for planting, on top of which – mineral soil. Next, sow the seeds of the tomato and cover them with sand and vermiculite one centimeter on top. It is important not to let the soil dry out. To do this, cover the seedlings with a film and put them in the shade from the scorching sun. The stems of the plant, as a rule, reach the required level in one and a half to two weeks. Then it will be necessary to transplant the plants into special containers (containers or bags).

In order to get excellent tomato seedlings, it is important to know the time needed for growth: in winter – a maximum of nine weeks; in spring – no more than six; in summer – no more than five weeks. The Dutch technology of growing tomatoes is the complex cultivation of delicious fruits. The principle of growing tomatoes according to Dutch technologyThe plant must meet certain requirements:

  1. When the first tassel of flowers appears, it will have about ten leaves.
  2. It is correct when the pedicel is short with a suitable shape of the flower brush.
  3. The brush of flowers should hang down.
  4. The stem of the plant should be of medium thickness.

It is important to follow these important points. And then you will get a wonderful harvest of delicious tomatoes. The room in which the seedlings will grow must be ventilated, have good lighting, the air temperature is at least eighteen degrees, and the soil at the time of planting is at least sixteen degrees Celsius. If the air or soil temperature is lower, it is necessary to conduct heating of this room. Transplanting seedlings is a very painstaking task.The principle of growing tomatoes according to Dutch technology

When transplanting, the roots of seedlings should not be intertwined. First of all, the soil must be made evener and covered with plastic wrap. This will better reflect the sun’s rays and protect the seedlings from pests. Then each small plant needs to be watered with salt water. This should be done with a hose or drip method, from below, so as not to burn or damage the leaves.

For one square meter, you need to plant 2-2.5 tomato sprouts. And with very good greenhouse lighting, you can 2.6-2.7. A suitable gap between two rows of tomatoes is seventy to ninety centimeters, and between sprouts up to fifty-five centimeters.

The cultivation of tomatoes according to the Dutch technology in large volumes and good quality depends on the correct maintenance of the thermal balance in the greenhouse where tomatoes are grown.

The principle of growing tomatoes according to Dutch technologyThis affects:

  • the number of flowers;
  • the shape and color of the fruit;
  • ripening period of tomatoes and their size.

For tomatoes that are already planted, it is very important to maintain a temperature balance:

  1. at night – not less than seventeen degrees;
  2. in the daytime – no more than nineteen degrees;
  3. the temperature of the soil should be constantly seventeen – eighteen degrees Celsius.

Also organize excellent air exchange, perhaps even install fans. To get a good harvest, the norm of air humidity in the room where plants are grown is sixty-five to seventy-five percent. When the humidity is less than fifty percent, the fruits of the tomato will turn out to be hard and fibrous.

We apply in practice

After planting the bushes, they should be watered regularly immediately. Proper watering is the correct approach when growing tomatoes. The best watering option is to irrigate the plant from below with a drip method. For watering plants in furrows, it is more efficient to use plastic pipes with special perforations, to which you need to connect a hose for irrigation.

This tactic favorably contributes to uniform watering of the plant. The frequency with which tomatoes need to be watered depends on the action and activity of solar radiation, the rate of evaporation of moisture, soil moisture, the ventilation system and the maintained temperature inside the greenhouse. For watering plants, water after rains or purified water no colder than sixteen degrees is most useful. At each stage of plant development, it is imperative to remove dried old leaves.The principle of growing tomatoes according to Dutch technology

Be sure to trim the flowers for proper development and balance. In the first two brushes, you need to leave five flowers each, and in the rest you can already have six. Pollination with the help of bees, bumblebees should be carried out up to three times a week. It is this method that affects more fruits. When the time comes to harvest, the best time for this is early morning, carry out this procedure about four times a week.

And in winter, calmly collect tomatoes, even if they do not yet have a bright color. In the spring and autumn, pick only the most ripe tomato fruits. In order not to damage the harvested fruits, it will be effective to put it in boxes or baskets. We apply this technology in practice and get excellent yields.

Video “How to grow tomatoes using Dutch technology”

The video shows how tomatoes are grown in Holland.

#102 Tomatoes=) Professional hydroponics in Holland. Greenhouse with tomatoes (4th series).

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