The price bites: what a dog looks like worth 2 million rubles

As adorable as the dog is, it’s hard to imagine that it could be worth that much. However, a married couple from Australia is confident that their pet is worth the money.

Sarah and David Lee initially decided on the choice of the breed of the future pet. So, soon the Australian Kelpie breed dog began to live in a new family. It is worth noting that the couple chose a rather adult dog for themselves. At the time of moving to the new owners, he was already two years old. The dog was named Hoover, and during the year the couple actively trained him, accustoming him to various commands and getting used to him as a real member of the family. According to Sarah, Hoover has a unique personality, energy and affection for his family.

However, having trained Hoover to the fullest, the couple decided to sell him at a specialized prime auction of working dogs. The buyers were so impressed with the dog’s abilities and skills that they bought it for as much as 2 million rubles.

Photo Shoot:
EyeEm / Alamy/Legion Media

However, Sarah and David are not at all surprised at such a high price of the dog, on the contrary, they believe that Hoover is a real find, because he is incredibly smart and devoted.

By the way, the Australian Kelpie is a special breed of dog, bred specifically to work as a shepherd. It is a hardworking, strong and very active dog that enjoys immense popularity throughout the continent. Dogs of this breed are very intelligent and easy to train, they even participate in dance competitions!

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