The premiere of the play “Ljublya. Office love “

The performance went to a full house. Avant-garde scenery, the transformation of actors, literally and figuratively happening right on the stage, piercing poems about love and no less piercing play by Yulia Peresild, Denis Saraikin and Pavel Sbornikov electrified the space for all 95 minutes and did not give the viewer a single chance to remain indifferent.

At times the audience exploded with laughter, but this laughter could not deceive anyone: “Love …” is a diagnosis of modern relations between a man and a woman. “People in the audience laugh because they are embarrassed to cry,” said Yulia Peresild, the performer of all the female roles in the play, after the performance.

“This is a big and difficult director’s work – to make a poetic performance. The viewer may not think so, but professionals understand the serious work of the director behind this, ”noted the well-known underground poet Oleg Gruz.

Part of the proceeds from ticket sales for the premiere performance will be transferred to the family of Alexei Zavyalov, who passed away on September 30, 2011. Alexey took part in the performances of the Club Theater and was the performer of all the main male roles of the play “Ljublya. Office love “.

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