The pregnant woman insisted on a second ultrasound, and it saved her life

According to the policy, they refused to scan her, so the woman went to a private clinic. And she did the right thing.

“Several months ago I had an ectopic pregnancy. It all ended with tears and surgery. Therefore, when the test showed two stripes for the second time, I was both delighted and scared, ”says 29-year-old Jasmine Randall.

In the eighth week of pregnancy, the girl, as expected, underwent an ultrasound scan. The results showed that everything is in order with this pregnancy, the embryo has attached where it should be, and is developing normally. But Jasmine wasn’t enough.

“We wanted to do a second ultrasound to be 200 percent sure that everything is going as it should,” she explains. Her concern is understandable, because the first experience was very painful.

The policy did not require a second scan. What to do – bureaucracy. Therefore, Jasmine and her husband went to a private clinic. There, of course, they did not refuse.

“The specialist said that everything is in order with the child. We listened to the beating of our future baby’s little heart – it was incredibly exciting, ”recalls Jasmine.

During this pleasant activity, the parents did not notice how the specialist conducting the research frowned. Even though the main result was achieved – everyone was once again convinced that the fetus was in order – the scanning continued.

“The doctor turned and said that I had some strange formation in my bladder. She did not know what it was, so she said to urgently see my doctor, ”continues Jasmine in a conversation with The Mirror.

The expectant mother was just shocked. She spent the next week running from office to office and taking tests.

“All this time I tried to calm Jasmine down, saying that it’s okay, maybe it’s just some kind of error during the examination. But in the end, the doctor said that Jasmine had a swelling two centimeters in her bladder. We were both horrified, ”says Karl, Jasmine’s husband.

The girl needed an urgent operation. And she herself could not think of anything except her unborn child. Was she going to lose him too? But they have already come up with a name for their future daughter – Charlotte, Lottie. The doctors honestly said that there is a risk of bleeding, that they cannot rule out the possibility of a miscarriage. But the operation was necessary, otherwise the tumor threatens to become inoperable.

“Such surgeries in pregnant women are quite rare, no one could tell us how everything would end. But it was impossible to wait, because the tumor would grow, metastases would spread, it could cause bleeding, and this would ruin both me and the unborn child, ”says Jasmine.

At the 19th week of pregnancy, the girl underwent surgery. During this time, the tumor has grown another centimeter.

“I was given an epidural. Below the waist I did not feel anything, but I was not under anesthesia. In fact, it took only 12 minutes to remove the tumor, but for me it was an eternity. I was incredibly happy when it was over, I had an ultrasound scan again, and I heard Lottie’s heart beating, ”says Jasmine.

The next two days were decisive. If what happened to the child, then in these 48 hours. But nothing happened. On the next scan, the parents-to-be saw Lottie waving her arms and legs cheerfully. But my mother did not need further treatment – the tumor was removed at the initial stage, so there was no need for chemotherapy.

“The doctors said that this type of cancer is quite rare in women my age. Therefore, I need to monitor my health so that the cancer does not return, ”explains the girl.

And on time, baby Lottie was born.

“I was so lucky that I went for an additional ultrasound,” says Jasmine. “I can’t wait for Lottie to grow up to tell her how special she is and how she saved my mom’s life before she was born.”

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