The power of the water element

We strive for water – a river, a pond, a sea, an ocean – in order to literally plunge into a state of harmony and complete relaxation. And we are building complex engineering structures to harness the energy of water. And the philosophy of the East teaches to manage it, using intuitive knowledge from the depths of centuries.

Water is the progenitor of all living things. We strive for water – a river, a pond, a sea, an ocean – in order to literally plunge into a state of harmony and complete relaxation. “Water for me is the best medicine for any stress and overload,” says 29-year-old Oksana. – Even if the weather is not conducive to swimming, the incomparable smell of the sea, the sounds of the surf fill me with peace. It seems that along with the sea air, energy flows into me. Going “to the waters” is the simplest, oldest and most common way to recuperate. Whether it’s ancient baths, traditional hot springs of Japan, mineral waters of Baden-Baden or estuaries of the Black Sea – everywhere and always water promises relaxation and rest. But water can not only give strength, but also take it away, for example, if you have to swim against the current or stay in cold waves for a long time. The ancient Eastern system of knowledge interprets these properties in its own way and offers its own empirically formed recommendations on the use of water energy.

Yoga in the water

In the 1980s, when yoga migrated to fitness rooms, its new direction was invented – yoga in water. The idea of ​​performing asanas in water seems very logical, because the body loses most of its weight, and the muscles and ligaments become more relaxed and elastic. All movements in the water acquire the smoothness necessary for performing yogic exercises. In Europe, adherents of this branch of yoga use masks and snorkels for scuba diving, which allows you to practice asanas completely submerged under water and controlling your breathing. True, in this case, you have to breathe through your mouth, which is at odds with the traditional ideas of yoga about proper breathing. There is also a special kind of pranayama (breathing exercises) on the water – plavini yoga. It is recommended to practice these exotic varieties of yoga only under the guidance of an experienced teacher.

Restore balance

Water is one of the most powerful primary elements that underlie the philosophical systems of the Ancient East. According to their ideas, this element personifies the energy of yin, the feminine principle. “There is nothing surprising that we seek water when we want to relax,” said Elvina Naumova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the Institute of Chinese Traditional Medicine. – The fact is that in urban life we ​​all suffer from an excess of yang energy, which is produced by almost all objects of our technogenic civilization. The result of this imbalance is constant irritation, overexcitation of the nervous system. Water “extinguishes” it, returning a sense of calm, harmony. It is the intuitive desire to restore the balance of yin-yang that explains our desire to take a shower after a hard day, literally wash away the tension. However, water has such powerful energy properties that simple contemplation of it can bring relief – whether it is a pond, waterfall, sea surface or a small fountain. And the easiest way to restore balance is to wash your hands and face. According to ancient Chinese philosophy, it is advisable not to overdo it with water, since the “overweight” of yin energy can cause a breakdown, depression, and fears. The main thing is to achieve balance: for example, air warmed by the sun, saturated with yang energy, well complements the powerful yin effect of water.

Meditation… in a home bath

This method of meditation in the bath is good because it allows you to provide real privacy and minimize all sensory stimuli. Dim the lights or light candles, turn on music with nature sounds, use an aroma lamp with lavender essential oil (or add a few drops of it to water) and immerse yourself in warm water with a temperature of about 37 degrees so that the water is just above ear level. Close your eyes (you can use a sachet with lavender flowers) and start a session of autogenic relaxation training. Imagine how your shoulders drop, your face and abdominal muscles relax, your eyelids, arms and legs become heavy. Breathing becomes even, its sound in the water seems like a measured sea surf. Just 20 minutes of this meditation helps relieve stress and improve sleep.


Sea of ​​Health

The power of water requires care in handling – especially health. On the one hand, water has the unique ability to cleanse the body by dissolving toxins. On the other hand, it can linger in the body, accumulate, causing an imbalance of energies with a predominance of yin, which, in turn, leads to disruption of the internal organs. According to ancient Chinese medicine, the trendy theory in the West that it is good for health to drink as much water as possible is nonsense. Firstly, because excess water “extinguishes the digestive fire” by diluting the digestive juices, and secondly, it weakens the fire of sexual desire and reduces reproductive opportunities. In order not to disturb the water balance in the body, you need to consume from two to three liters of fluid per day (including liquid food), evenly and gradually, never bringing yourself to a state of thirst. Since water is the carrier of female energy, women feel this Element well and intuitively follow it. “If you love black and always prefer to wear black, know that this manifests itself in the power of the Element of Water,” says Elvina Naumova. – Listen to your body: do you have a tendency to water retention and swelling? According to the Chinese, unconscious love for black and impaired kidney function may be related. The element of water affects not only the kidneys, but also the functioning of the liver. If the healer discovers some functional disorders of these organs, in addition to the appropriate treatment, he prescribes white color in clothes – so that the element of metal, which this color symbolizes, compensates for the influence of the element of water.

Watsu Immersion

This is nothing more than shiatsu in water (water shiatsu) – a direction of wellness massage, which was patented in 1980 by Californian Harold Dull. This massage technique helps to solve sleep problems, relieve stress and headaches caused by it, back tension. Throughout the session, the doctor and the patient are in a pool of water, the temperature of which is about 33 degrees. The patient’s body is submerged in water just above ear level to cut off all sounds from the outside world. Acupuncture massage and joint work takes place under water, which allows you to achieve deep relaxation and stress relief. This massage method is becoming more and more popular in European spa resorts and has recently appeared in Moscow.

Philippines: Boracay island, Malay, Aklan, Mandala Spa. watsu water massage; session 30 min; cost 35 c.u.Italy: Tuscany, Fonteverde hotel & Spa 5. Watzu massage in a pool with thermal water, the cost of the session is 100 euros.Russia: SPA Palestra, Moscow, st. 10th Anniversary of October, 11, tel.: (495) 245-6113. Watsu massage according to the method of Ronda Ann Clark (Canada); sessions from 30 to 90 minutes; cost 50-200 euros.

According to the Chinese, water is also essential for the health of the home as a whole: in this country it is customary to decorate their homes with miniature fountains and holographic images of waterfalls. Water is needed for the growth and development of all living things, and from the point of view of Feng Shui, it not only compensates for the excess yang energy of a modern house, but also carries away unfavorable energy. An aquarium with fish or just a beautiful photo of some reservoir will also bring the element of water into the house.

About it

  • Ranjit Mohanty. The healing power of water. Peter, 2006.
  • Andrey Kutuzov. Water is a miracle cure. Peter, 2006.
  • Masaru Emoto. The energy of water for self-knowledge and healing. Sofia, 2006.

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