Misunderstandings and conflicts are inevitable. But you can always find a way out of any impasse if you learn to show empathy: shift the perspective and look at what is happening from different points of view, which is what this book teaches. In it you will find proven techniques from an experienced negotiator to help you better understand what motivates other participants in a conversation, what the situation looks like “from their belfry”, and how small changes in your own behavior can improve your relationship.
Chapter 1
Harriet began, «Look, John, we’re all disappointed with the training, and I think you should take my review seriously.» And Harriet began to lay out her claims at length. As she spoke, John seethed inwardly with indignation. All her remarks are literally everything! were an enumeration of the troubles he had warned against in advance. She said, «John, the training was too short.» John almost smoked: when he asked to extend the training, Harriet refused. She continued, «Junior employees felt constrained and sluggishly participated in group work.» When John asked that the groups be formed on the principle of equal standing, she objected that she had a direct order not to separate the rank-and-file employees and managers. And, as if that wasn’t enough, she didn’t let John talk to the company’s management one-on-one, insisting on her presence at all meetings and telephone conversations. So John couldn’t do anything without Harriet. This significantly hampered the preparation and had a negative impact on the outcome of the training.
After making all the claims, Harriet paused, apparently waiting for an answer. John wanted to say everything he thought, but did not dare to enter into an open argument with the client. What happened? John is stuck.
John found himself in a situation familiar to everyone. When communicating with someone important to you — a client, manager, colleague or family member — from time to time there are moments when you do not know what to say and what to do. Perhaps you cannot find the right words, or you are afraid that your words will sound too goo, or you are afraid that your honesty will only make matters worse. But know that you are not alone, and you have the means to break out of a stagnant situation!
What is a stagnant situation
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