The Polish anti-vaccine guru is dead. The family kept the information secret

On dr. Zbigniew Hałat, a message about his death appeared. Although it was signed as a family affidavit, not all initially believed that the anti-vaccine guru was dead.

«It is with deep regret that we announce that April 17th Zbigniew Hałat died – husband, father, grandfather»- this information appeared on Zbigniew Hałat’s Twitter. “The grieving family” announced that “funeral ceremonies have already taken place”.

The information provided after time caused temporary consternation among supporters of Halat’s views. They tried to confirm on their own whether Hałat was buried.

«Unfortunately, this is true … Dr. Zbigniew Hałat was buried on April 22.04.2022, 14 at 40:XNUMX. The information comes from the administration of the Osobicki Cemetery in Wrocław »- wrote the anti-vaccination activist Justyna Socha on Twitter.

Hałata also said goodbye to Rafał Piech, the president of Siemianowice Śląskie. “The doctor from the very beginning supported our social movement with his wisdom, knowledge, contacts and experience” – he wrote on Facebook.

Dr. Zbigniew Hałat is the former Deputy Minister of Health and Chief Sanitary Inspector (1991 – 1993). At the National Health Fund he was the director responsible for medical matters. During the COVID-19 pandemic, while remaining an active doctor, he criticized the wearing of masks and vaccinations. It was his medical activity that made him credible in the eyes of anti-vaccine workers. He died at the age of 72.

Recently, there were links on social media to other websites linked to Hałat, which were devoted to … virginity. We then tried to talk to the doctor and explain the matter at the source, but he refused. In December 2021, the media reported that Hałat could lose his right to practice. More on this: The anti-vaccine guru “photographs young virgins”. «He was a good doctor once»

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