Microscopic, troublesome arachnids living in our homes, for which exfoliated human or animal epidermis is a real rarity. They inhabit carpets, curtains and stuffed animals with pleasure, they will not disdain our company on the sofa or in bed, where their number can amount to 2 million.
In winter, the mite population is the lowest due to the low humidity, which is not conducive to the development of mites, however, limited ventilation increases allergic reactions to Dermatophagoides — house dust species. Nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing and itching during cleaning may indicate this hypersensitivity.
Uninvited guests
It was assumed that 150 mg of human epidermis is able to feed three thousand mites for a period of 2-3 months.
Damage from mites
In the excrement of mites in bedding or upholstered furniture, there are enzymes that cause not only typical allergy symptoms in humans, but also bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis and migraines. Sometimes they cause esophagitis by irritating the lining of the digestive system.
The fight against mites
In the fight against numbers house dust mites it is useful to wash bedding, blankets and stuffed animals at 60 degrees Celsius, or on the contrary – it is worth hiding them in the freezer, where they would be exposed to low temperatures.
You can reach for acaricides, which are chemical substances with acaricidal properties.
Consider eliminating carpets, or at least reduce them where possible. Perhaps they hide a beautiful floor much easier to clean than densely woven carpets.
As a last resort, you can replace the bedding with synthetic fabrics that do not let dust mites and allergens through.
Air out or vacuum your mattress every month, then buy a new one every decade. In the meantime, you can reduce the risk of allergies by using additionally purchased covers.
Clean and vacuum furniture upholstery regularly.
Ventilate the whole apartment as often as possible (especially before bedtime), as well as bedding and blankets. Remember that mites die when exposed to sunlight.
Perhaps you like warmth, but it is good that the temperature inside the house does not exceed 21 degrees Celsius, and the humidity is 45%.
During the weekend cleaning, don’t forget to wash and vacuum the bedding container.
When mopping the floor or wiping the dust, rinse the cloth as often as possible. Dry will disperse the dust, which will settle back on the cleaned surface.
Change the filters in your vacuum cleaner often.
Keep books in locked chests and bookcases.
Get rid of unnecessary stuff that only collects dust.