Pregnancy follow-up: what place for fathers?
To find out a little more, we asked mothers, on our forums, if they think the dad should participate in pregnancy monitoring (ultrasounds, medical examinations, etc.). Mixed responses …
A 100% invested father
“Chéri is present on all fronts, and that, since the announcement of my pregnancy! He accompanied me to gynecological appointments, but he remained in the waiting room anyway. He came to all the ultrasounds (…). I would not have appreciated if he did not invest, even if I would have respected his choice. It seems to me that he must nevertheless invest himself in the pregnancy too, this baby, we did it together, so I do not see why it would be only me who must “invest” in the pregnancy. ” gigitte13
A modest husband
“My husband doesn’t come to the gynecologist, and I don’t want to. Ultrasounds either. It is not that he does not invest in the pregnancy because he asks me a lot of questions when I return and looks at the pictures. It’s just a modest withdrawal between us! ” stephanie380
Dads present at ultrasounds
“During pregnancy, I don’t ask her to pamper me, pamper me, talk to my stomach… I don’t ask her because I wouldn’t like to have someone too present around me and because that’s not his thing either. For Gianni, however, he was present at all visits and all ultrasounds. For Giulian, he did not come to the visits but on the other hand, he was there for all the ultrasounds. His presence was essential for me… ” marioniciar
“For my part, my husband has never come to gynecological appointments. I did not see the interest for him, nor for me for that matter. The same goes for the screening for gestational diabetes and for the pre-anesthetic consultation. However, he did not miss any of the ultrasounds. It was essential for me that he was there, so that he too could hear the baby’s heartbeat and take ownership of the pregnancy a little more. When we have our second child, I want it to happen the same way, that he invests himself in the same way for each baby. ” Marie
A choice of couple
“For the follow-up of the pregnancy, it is a couple’s choice. Every woman has her opinion on the matter. I didn’t want my partner to come to the gynecologist’s appointments. He would have wasted his time and, in any case, I would not have let him attend the consultation. However, he came to all the ultrasounds. ” popiloue
“I think the father can be present during the pregnancy without being there for all the ultrasounds and appointments with the obstetrician-gynecologist!” ” kristinef