The Pin Twins leg exercises for those who spend too many hours sitting

The Pin Twins leg exercises for those who spend too many hours sitting


The personal trainers Gema and Esther Pineda, Pin Twins, propose a routine of four exercises to tone and style swollen and tired legs.

The Pin Twins leg exercises for those who spend too many hours sittingPM1:35

Spending too many hours sitting does a disservice to us legs. They swell, lose strength, accumulate fatigue and may even show signs of worsening of ailments such as varicose veins or the cellulitis. Keeping the lower body toned and active is essential to prevent the appearance of the effect “tired legs” and improve circulation, as explained by personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Gemelas Pin. That is why this week they have designed an easy but intense leg routine for ABC Bienestar consisting of four exercises. Each of the exercises must be repeated 15 times (in the 1st and 2nd, we will do it first with one leg and then with the other). Once the complete table is done, we will rest for 30 seconds and then we will repeat the routine for four series.


15 (each exercise)
TV Shows
30 ” between series

The purpose of this exercise table is tone the legs and activate the circulation of the lower body to prevent the appearance of cellulite and varicose veins. To achieve results, the Pin Twins recommend practicing this simple but effective board a minimum of twice a week and combining it with other “full body” boards.

Exercise 1: Back touches, bounces and stride

We begin the exercise standing up. We bring the left leg back flexing it and give three bounces, maintaining the upright position, with the abdomen activated and trying to lower with the bounce as much as we can without bending over. Once we give the three back touches or rebounds, we will stride forward with that same leg. We repeat the exercise 15 times and do it again, changing legs.

Exercise 2: Two touches to the side and two to the back

We start from the standing position with the legs slightly bent. Once in that position we will bring the left leg to the side giving two touches and then with that same leg we will give another two touches backwards. Then we repeat the exercise with the other leg. We repeat the combination of exercises 15 times.

Exercise 3: Lateral Back Steps and Stride

Standing we will take three lateral steps back with the legs open and slightly bent and then return to the starting position taking three strides forward. We repeat the exercise 15 times.

Exercise 4: Isometric Squat and Leg Raise

We start from the isometric squat position and place the arms flexed and balanced. From that position we will raise the right leg until the knee touches the elbow and then we will return to the starting position. Then we will raise the left leg equally until we touch the elbow with the knee. And so on. We will repeat the exercise 15 times.

Last week the Pin Twins, who have more than 88.300 followers on Instagram, proposed a “cardio” routine to combat fatigue and start the morning with energy. And the previous one designed a specific table to reduce gut and eliminate abdominal fat.

The table to get firm “legs” that they propose this week is very simple to execute, but if you practice it correctly you will notice the heat and intensity in the thighs.

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