The Pin Twins HIIT exercises you can do at home with a stool
Esther and Gemma Pineda, better known as the Pin Twins, bring this week a new fitness routine in which you will need a step, bench, step or simply mark a fixed point on the ground

One more week of Coronavirus lockdown It is a week that we are closer to returning to our old life, as far as possible. Meanwhile, personal trainers like the Pin Twins have created all kinds of fitness routines so that this isolation is not an impediment to staying in shape. For this reason, Esther and Gemma Pineda, former professional swimmers, prepare different activities each week for each part of the body and thus not train one area more than another.
Not only do they know the perfect exercises to relieve back pain or strengthen the abdomen, but they have also developed a fun high intensity workout that you will be able to do at home. And in very little space! This time they propose five simple exercises, forty seconds of work, twenty seconds of rest and, yes, with an added difficulty: you will need a step or bench to perform them.
But don’t worry if you don’t have them; The Pin Twins provide another alternative for anyone to get rid of this training that was created in the Reto 48 facilities. «For those who do not have a step at home, there is no problem because the training can be done with a bench or simply imagining the step fixing a point on the ground for the trips to be made », explains Gemma Pineda. Go for it!
Exercise 1: Going up and down the step or bench
As we have already said, it is a simple routine but it requires great effort. The first exercise consists of go up and down the step, but always at maximum speed. If you do not have a step, the experts recommend making a mark on the ground that will be the point where you must move.
Exercise 2: Skip the step
With the width of the legs greater than the width of the shoulders, climb the platform or step on the ground mark with the feet at a time, never one foot before the other. Remember to keep your knees semi-bent with every jump and kick.
Exercise 3: Side Steps
It is about jumping with displacement, so that while one of our feet is on the step or the ground mark, the other is moving to one side and then taking over and changing direction, as seen in the video. Keep in mind that they never meet at the same point, but rather that one foot replaces the other in the displacement jump.
Exercise 4: Plank with displacement
In plank position, with the hips at shoulder height and the width of the hands equal to that of the feet, we raise and lower the step / bench with our hands or move our arms towards the mark that we have set on the ground .
Exercise 5: Climber with step
With the hips at shoulder height, our hands will be aligned on the step / bench or on the ground mark and we will perform a vertical climber, which consists of being with the body in a plank position, bending the knees to the height of the hip alternately. This exercise works to burn fat, strengthen muscles, and improve endurance.