The Pin Twins glute exercises to regain the size you were before confinement
Gemelas Pin
Esther and Gema Pineda, personal trainers, propose this routine of five exercises to get firm and toned buttocks that you can do in 15 minutes

Have you tried on your favorite jeans and they don’t fasten? We have the solution ”, propose the Gemelas Pin. Personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda are doing everything possible so that no one is left lying on the couch during confinement. With more than 73.000 followers on Instagram, the Pin Twins share their Workout routines through their direct on Instagram (where they have a large number of followers who have already been baptized as «Team Twins Pin») and every Wednesday they design a specific routine for ABC Bienestar either to tone the body or to work on specific areas.
Buttock routine
- Weather:
- 15 ‘
- Drill
- 5
- Reps
- 20 (each exercise)
- Rest
- 15 ”
- TV Shows
- 3
Last week they helped us to activate our tired and seized body from confinement with a HIIT routine of five exercises, and a few days before they made us sweat with the “exercise table with a cushion” to reduce gut get a flat stomach and in the previous session they encouraged us to tone the body with another HIIT routine, although we also loved their exercises to combat back pain so frequent in the case of people who have teleworked at home during confinement.
This week the Pin Twins challenge us to work the buttocks. To harden the area, they propose to practice this routine three times a week. five exercises specific for buttocks, which can be done in a few 15 minutes. Each exercise is repeated 20 times, resting for 15 seconds between each exercise and doing three sets of the complete routine.
Exercise 1: Squat with feet spread
To practice this exercise we will perform a squat respecting the distance of the feet to the width of the shoulders. When executing the exercise, we will change the position of the tip of the feet diagonally and we will again flex the hips and knees.
Exercise 2: Side Plank with Slit
We begin the exercise by placing ourselves in a plank position supporting the forearm and knee. Next we will perform a lateral hip raise and separate the knees keeping the feet together.
Exercise 3: Hip Raise with Height
To practice this exercise we will need to have a height support for the feet. In this case we have used a chair to be able to perform a hip lift. Remember to keep your feet and knees the same distance.
Exercise 4: Quadruped Donkey Kick
We get into a quadruped position and do a movement called a donkey kick (keeping the knees flexed at 90 degrees). Next we will perform a knee extension movement. Remember that it is important to always maintain the position of the back straight and parallel to the ground, avoiding a lumbar curvature. People with back or wrist problems can do the exercise by supporting the forearms.
Exercise 5: Gluteal bridge with opening
At the same time that we carry out the exercise called “gluteal bridge” (lying down with the back resting on the floor, we lift our hips towards the ceiling), we will separate our knees and we will keep our feet on the ground. Remember when practicing this exercise that it is important not to do a cervical hyperextension.
You can practice this gluteal exercise routine whenever you want. “If you do it three times a week it would be perfect”, propose the Pin Twins.