The Pin Twins exercises to activate a stiff and tired body
Personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda, Pin Twins, explain the step by step to do a table of five high intensity exercises (HIIT) to burn fat and increase heart rate

Activate yourself, stop being lazy, wake up from lethargy, dust yourself off, raise your heart rate … The body connects with essence (and also with its limits) in each training session with the Gemelas Pin. Personal trainers Esther and Gema Pineda carry a large part of the confinement cheering exercise at home, both through the direct ones that they periodically share on their Instagram, where they already have more than 71.000 followers (whom they invite to join each of the challenges they share with the hashtag #TeamGemelasPin), as with the tables of exercises or specific training that each Wednesday they design for ABC Bienestar in video format.
Last week they made us sweat with the “exercise table with a cushion” to remove our guts and the previous week they challenged us to tone the body with a HIIT exercise routine, although the routine with resistance bands to strengthen the body was also interesting. They proposed a few days ago or the one they designed to help us combat back pain so frequent in these days of teleworking and confinement.
Table Hiit
- Time
- 15-18 minutes
- Drill
- 5
- Working time
- 40 ” (each exercise)
- Rest
- 20 ″ (after exercise)
- TV Shows
- 4
This week they invite us not to wait bored and lying down for the confinement to pass and get down to work to activate the heart, raise the heart rate, burn fat y tone the body. But how can you do all of that at the same time? With a HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) routine consisting of five exercises, which you can perform in about 15-18 minutes. For this table to be effective you must perform each exercise during 40 seconds and rest a few 20 seconds between each exercise. Once the five exercises were completed, the series would be repeated four times.
Exercise 1: Skipping with jump
Skipping is a career technique which consists of raising the knees above the waist keeping the hips in an elevated position. We will do this exercise keeping the back straight and trying to raise the knees to the chest. Next we will do a lateral jump with the feet together.
Exercise 2: Jump Squat
To practice this second exercise, we will perform a jump squat touching the opposite foot with the hand and extending the arm upwards. At the same time we do a vertical jump.
Exercise 3: Jump Lunge
We will perform three alternate jumping strides and then we will take a deep stride by touching or trying to touch the ground with our hands.
Exercise 4: Side Shift
We will place ourselves in a quadruped position keeping the legs at 90 degrees and the arms extended with the shoulders aligned at the height of the wrists. Once the figure has been verified, we will move laterally keeping it.
Exercise 5: Triceps Curl
We will perform a triceps flexion bringing the elbows to the side and at the end of the flexion we will extend the arms to the front taking the hand at shoulder height and the arms fully extended.
You can do this HIIT exercise routine whenever you want. «If you do three times a week it would be perfect ”, propose the Pin Twins.