The pill will protect people from heart attacks and strokes

British scientists tested the effectiveness of the new tablet, which significantly reduces arterial hypertension and the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. The results of the study were published in the journal PLoS ONE.

Researchers from the University of London found that the pill lowered blood pressure by 12 percent, while the level of bad cholesterol by as much as 39 percent.

Experts calculated that if the pill were to be introduced to the market and anyone aged 50 and over were taking it every day, 94 deaths would be prevented in the UK. heart attacks and strokes annually.

The pill consists of three well-known antihypertensive drugs and a statin, which is a drug for fighting bad cholesterol.

Scientists argue that the agent should be put into circulation as soon as possible.

However, not all are of the same opinion.

Although the ingredients of the tablet are well known medications, it has not been tested how safe it is.

The results of the research on the new pill are encouraging, but there are still many questions to clarify before the miracle drug is prescribed by doctors, comments Natasha Stewart, a nurse at the British Heart Foundation, adding: “No matter how interesting the new pill seems, medicine is not. it is a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Staying active, eating healthy and not smoking are still essential ways to keep your heart in good condition (PAP)

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