The pill is not a substitute for the health benefits of broccoli

Supplements containing the active ingredients of broccoli and other related edible plants, such as cabbage and cauliflower, are not able to replace real vegetables, according to scientists from the US in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

This is due to the fact that these compounds are much less absorbed or less valuable when consumed in the form of supplements, explain the authors of the study – scientists from the University of Oregon. According to them, it is better to eat real broccoli, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables and cook them briefly.

“There is no simple answer to the question whether it is better to provide the body with important nutrients with the diet or in the form of supplements” – comments Prof. Emily Ho. He explains that some vitamins and nutrients, such as folic acid (a B vitamin) recommended for pregnant women, are better absorbed from supplements than from food. The need for others – such as vitamin D – is very difficult to meet through diet

“However, the health-promoting ingredients of broccoli and related plants should come from real vegetables” – noted the researcher.

Broccoli contains particularly large amounts of compounds called glucosinolates, from which the body produces substances that are very beneficial to health – sulforaphane and erucine. Research shows that they may, among others, reduce the risk of malignant tumors, e.g. breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer. Sulforaphane is particularly effective in removing carcinogenic compounds from the body, and also activates genes responsible for inhibiting cancer development.

However, for sulforaphane and erucin to form, an enzyme called myrosinase is needed, which is found in large amounts in raw or briefly stewed or cooked broccoli. However, it is missing in supplements.

Scientists under the supervision of prof. Ho showed that without myrosinase, the human body absorbs several times less sulforaphane and erucine. This enzyme is present in the human intestines, but in small amounts, and does its job much less efficiently than true broccoli myrosinase.

This enzyme is also broken down during intensive cooking. “When we overcook broccoli, their health value decreases” – explains prof. Ho. Therefore, it is important to cook them for 2-3 minutes. (PAP)

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