The Piekarska “grudge” launched a modern admission room

The new admission room, built and equipped at a cost of approximately PLN 4,5 million, was launched on Wednesday at the Trauma Surgery Hospital in Piekary Śląskie. Its director, Dr. Bogdan Koczy, assures that the XNUMX-hour room is one of the most modern in Poland.

It is a XNUMX/XNUMX trauma and orthopedic outpatient clinic at the highest level, designed and constructed in accordance with modern standards; it means both the improvement of diagnostic and treatment conditions as well as the comfort of patients – said the director.

In the infirmary, they are constantly on duty, among others orthopedists, radiologists, anesthesiologists. The new admission room will provide full service to patients who come to Piekary Śląskie from all over the province. Silesian, not only with ambulances, but also with private transport.

The bakery trauma is one of the most renowned and crowded specialist hospitals in Poland. Annually, it receives over 8. patients, approx. 7,5 thousand of them are operated on. Currently, the infirmary supplies approx. 13-15 thousand. people after injuries of the musculoskeletal system and prepares for admission to hospital approx. 2 thousand. patients in acute traumatic conditions and 6 thousand. for scheduled treatments.

The new admission room was largely financed from EU funds under the Regional Operational Program of the Śląskie Voivodeship, with the support of the regional government.

The investment is part of the hospital expansion and further modernization program, under which, by 2012, it is planned, inter alia, creating a complex of eight new operating theaters with diagnostic facilities and an intensive care unit. The hospital has already obtained PLN 8 million for this purpose from EU funds and PLN 12 million from the Marshal’s Office in Katowice.

PLN 20 million should be enough for construction and finishing works. Additional funds will, however, be needed to equip the new rooms, said the director.

In spring this year, the only septic ward in the region and the most modern in Poland was opened in the bakery hospital for patients with very difficult, extensive purulent complications after surgeries. Adaptation and equipment of the ward cost about PLN 2,6 million.

According to Dr. Koczego, currently there is no second branch in Poland with a separate operating room, a separate postoperative intensive care unit for septic patients – not only after operations performed in the hospital in Piekary, but also in other facilities.

In the bakery trauma, the number of such complications is 0,3%. total and below the world average. There are 26 places in the septic ward of the hospital in Piekary Śląskie. This is also sufficient for other centers in the region that need help in treating patients with complications.

Independent Public Provincial Hospital of Trauma Surgery dr. Janusz Daab in Piekary Śląskie is one of the most famous hospitals in Poland, specializing in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system. It has approx. 250 beds in eight trauma and orthopedic wards and approx. 140 beds in three rehabilitation wards. Last year, over 8,5 thousand people were hospitalized. patients, over 55 thousand were provided. outpatient advice. 80 percent patients are residents of the province. Silesian. (PAP)

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