We figure out what to do with the aesthetic flaw that has appeared due to our addiction to gadgets.
Tech neck is a common problem of the modern generation that our grandparents did not know about. Rapid advances in technology bring new habits and new beauty challenges. The constant use of phones not only has a detrimental effect on vision, spine health, and sleep quality, but also creates aesthetic problems. Svetlana Bainazarova, a dermatologist and cosmetologist of the TsIDK network of clinics, told the readers of how to remedy the situation.
Dermatologist, cosmetologist of the CIDK network of clinics
Reasons for the emergence of technoche
“We spend a lot of time on our phones with our heads down, which puts a huge strain on our neck. The habit of sitting in gadgets with your head down results in the premature appearance of transverse neck wrinkles – “rings of Venus” – and a double chin in the submental area. The skin in the neck area is the most delicate, thin and sensitive, it is most susceptible to sagging. And more often than not, it is the neck that gives out age in the first place. That is why it is so important to take proper care of her, ”says the specialist.
How to avoid the disease: prevention of technocheia
Since techno-neck is associated with an unnatural head position, the first thing to do to avoid such a problem or not aggravate it, you need to pay attention to your posture and the change in the position of devices.
The screen of a computer or tablet should be placed at eye level, and the phone should be held strictly in front of your face.
Changing positions and taking 10-20 minute breaks to warm up the neck and rest the eyes are also necessary.
Daily home care for your neck skin is important. This area also needs daily cleansing, hydration and nutrition.
Use professional cosmetics for a visible effect.
What procedures will help get rid of technoche?
The most important thing to start with is to work on the quality of the neck skin by biorevitalization or mesotherapy… This procedure is necessary to nourish the skin with hyaluronic acid and vitamins from the inside. When the skin is nourished and hydrated, the cells of the epidermis begin to work better and more actively produce collagen and elastin. As a result, we get firmer and more elastic skin.
To get rid of fine wrinkles and sagging skin, you need RF RF lifting on the Scarlet. To perform the procedure, a unique nozzle with 25 finest gold-plated microneedles is used, which ensure the correct and safe distribution of RF energy, as well as absolutely physiological heating of all layers of the skin. After a course of procedures, the patient receives firm, healthy skin.
To get rid of the transverse wrinkles of the neck, the most flexible fillers based on hyaluronic acid, which fill wrinkles.
And to get rid of a double chin in the submental zone is ideal ultrasonic SMAS lifting on the alter apparatus. Ultherapy technology is based on the effect of a focused ultrasound wave on the muscular-aponeurotic layer. Ultrasonic waves travel to a depth of 5 mm, causing selective punctate thermal contraction and tissue densification. Thus, a kind of young internal frame appears, due to which the tissues are tightened, and they are held in such a position for a long time, as after a surgical intervention.
To enhance the effect of Ultherapy, you need to do neck skin reinforcement… A unique combination of techniques that potentiate each other’s action allows you to get a high-quality and natural result without a rehabilitation period.
What techno-collar symptoms do you have?
Abnormal neck position and head pushed forward
Muscle stiffness at the end of the day
Fatigue and tension when turning the neck and moving the shoulders up
Numbness and tingling
Muscle pain and cramps
Darkening in the eyes