A luxuriantly flowering rose bush suddenly loses its appearance and begins to wither. This may be the consequences of pests that appeared in the roots of the plant. In addition, they can harm stems, leaves, and even buds. What are the pests of roses, how to recognize them and what to use against them, all in this article.

Reasons for the death of roses
In addition to diseases, pests can lead to the death of roses. These insects damage the root system of the plant or the stems, and if you miss the moment, then sometimes it is not possible to save it.
In the case of the root system, the situation is complicated by the fact that, unlike insects that can be seen when examining bushes, these pests are noticed only when signs of damage have already appeared.
No less dangerous are some insects that have settled in shoots or foliage. For example, the buds do not open. It would seem that the point is a lack of sun or moisture, but the cause may be aphids.
Pests cause damage to roses and can even kill the plant. They gnaw roots, eat leaves, gnaw out buds, suck out juices, and also serve as carriers of infectious diseases. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the bushes from the moment of planting and throughout the season when caring for roses.
Striking stems
Aphid. The most common pest There are several types of aphids with different colors: green, black, orange and reddish. Aphids suck out the juice of the plant, thereby greatly weakening it. It can appear throughout the season, starting in early spring, when young leaves are just hatching. Damaged shoots are bent, their growth stops, and the buds may not bloom.

Aphids secrete sticky dew, which eventually becomes moldy and provokes rose disease. It is necessary to fight against aphids constantly. Spraying bushes with a systemic insecticide, such as permethrin, works well. It gets into the cells and is not washed off by rain.
Penny. In early summer, lumps of white foam can be seen on the shoots. Inside such lumps is a pest – a penny. Its other names are: common slobber, slobber, slobber pennitsa. Belongs to the cicada family. Permethrin is also effective against it. If there are few such foci, you can simply remove them and spray the bush with water from a hose.

Rose shield. Sometimes small scales appear on the stems, similar to tiny turtles. These scales are a rose scale. Pests not only spoil the appearance of the bush, but also greatly weaken the rose, sucking out the juice. To combat scabies, it is better to use the substance bifetrin, which is part of the Semaphore and Talstar preparations.

Rose sawfly. An adult lays eggs in the shoot, from which, after development inside the stem, pseudocaterpillar larvae will appear. Affected shoots must be cut and burned. For prevention, in May, the rose is sprayed with bifenthrin.

Striking leaves
Caterpillars of various butterflies, among which there are very voracious ones, can cause great harm to rose leaves. If damage is noticed in time, and there are few caterpillars, you can collect them manually. In case of severe damage, treatment of plants with bifenthrin is necessary.
Moth miners. You can recognize them by the characteristic passages gnawed in the leaves. Damaged leaves must be collected and burned. Treat the bushes with insecticides, such as Iskra Bio.

Leaflet. Dark brown spotted butterfly. To determine the infection of a rose with a leaflet, you can use the leaves rolled into a tube, inside of which there are caterpillars. Despite its name, this insect also infects the buds, gnawing holes in them. To combat them, use bifenthrin.

Cicadas. Whitish spots on the leaves indicate the attack of these insects, while small yellowish insects can be seen on the inside of the leaf. If the rose is not treated with a systemic insecticide in time, the damage will become extensive, the leaves will fall off, and the rose will die.

spider mite most often affects the rose in dry and hot weather. At the initial stage, the leaves are covered with bronze spots, and ticks and a thin cobweb are visible on the reverse side. As it multiplies, the web covers the leaves and flowers. The spider mite is arachnid and special means are needed to combat it – Thiovit-Jet, MatrinBio, Fitoverm.

Leaf cutter bee. Some call it the alfalfa bee and also the megachila. This insect seems to cut out semicircles along the edges of the sheet, for which it got its name. The cut leaves are used to build nests. It is not necessary to destroy the bees, but if you find their nest, then it is better to remove it.

Hidden leaf pests
Cocoonworms. If silver web nests appear on the plant, this is the work of the cocoonworm caterpillar, which can destroy the plant by eating all the foliage. Nests must be destroyed and the plant sprayed. Suitable preparations “Aktellik” and “Alatar”.

May bug. Chafer. Adult insects do not have any preferences and eat various plant foods. In roses, it can be both leaves and flowers that have already blossomed. Beetles are collected by hand and destroyed.

Rose flower pests
Bronze shoes. This is a large insect that feeds on rose flowers and juices. Beetles are collected by hand and destroyed. For prevention, spraying is carried out according to the schedule.

Thrips. The blackened edges of the petals indicate that these small insects attacked the rose, capable of causing serious damage to it. In this case, insecticide treatment is necessary.

Insects affecting the underground
Ants They do not affect the plant itself, but greatly loosen the soil around it, as a result of which the plant may die. To combat them, special means are used, which are sprinkled on the ground around and the rose itself.

Larvae of the May beetle. This dangerous pest can lead to the death of the plant or cause serious harm to it. Destroy the larvae when digging the earth. To protect the rose from laying beetle eggs under it, mulching or sowing green manure will help. You can scare away the use of folk remedies, for example, by watering with soapy water.

Gauls. These include:
- Furry Gaul. It is formed on the leaves as a result of the vital activity of the larvae of the gall wasps – small insects that settle on the shoots. .
Shaggy gall is not a decoration of a bush - Capitate gall. A large brown growth at the base of the stem.
Capitate gall outgrowth, unlike rose cancer, does not damage the stem and can be removed
This group of pests in small quantities does not cause much harm to roses, but spoils the appearance. But if you do not take action, then in the future, an increase in the number of galls will ruin the entire rose and neighboring bushes. Growths can be cut off by smearing the cut with garden pitch. The only danger is the capitate gall that appeared on the roots of the plant.
How and what to fight
Regular inspection and timely preventive maintenance help protect against pests. The main way to deal with them is spraying with insecticides, but you should not belittle some types of preventive work, such as removing weeds, loosening, cleaning fallen leaves.
What to spray
With a small number of bushes, the use of a small hand sprayer with or without a pump will be quite sufficient. To treat a large area, it is better to use a sprayer with a 5 or 8 liter pump pump. It can be carried in hand or on a belt. If you need to free your hands, then a backpack sprayer is a good choice.
Pest treatment can be carried out both separately and simultaneously with spraying against diseases. However, it is important to use compatible tools. For example, the Aktara insecticide works effectively with fungicides: Topsin and Skor.

It is very important to choose the right remedy for rose protection. So, when signs of pest damage appear, insecticides are needed. Systemic insecticides are able to penetrate into plant cells and provide protection for a long time. The tool will continue to act even on those insects that did not die during the treatment of the bushes.
When and how to spray
Preventive treatment is carried out in spring, summer and autumn before wintering. For this purpose, for the treatment of roses, complex pest control preparations “Fitoverm”, “Akarin”, etc. can be used. They effectively act against many insects: aphids, ticks, etc.
When spraying, you must follow some rules:
- Processing is best done on a cloudy day without wind and rain. Can be sprayed early in the morning or at sunset.
- If the treatment needs to be carried out urgently, and the wind does not allow, then you can create an artificial lull, or spray from the leeward side.
- Do not spray the solution on a damp bush from rain or watering.
- Spraying with the prepared solution is carried out immediately.
- To combat the emerging pest, choose a tool that can get rid of it.
- For preventive purposes, it is better to use drugs common to pests.
- Spraying should be uniform, bottom and top of the leaf.
Check your plants regularly. Take action at the first sign of pest infestation.