The perfect tabata to burn fat in four minutes

The perfect tabata to burn fat in four minutes


Paula Ordovás and Miguel Ángel Peinado, creators of Better Naked, propose a tabata to improve aerobic capacity and lose weight

The perfect tabata to burn fat in four minutesPM4:45

There are days when we need a calm fitness session, where stretching and low-impact exercises gain prominence but, on the other hand, there are other times when our body needs adrenaline and increased pulsations, and few workouts like tabata … Miguel Ángel Peinado and Paula Ordovás, creators of Better Naked Club They know very well that this training has it all: high caloric expenditure, increased basal metabolism and improved aerobic capacity.

Expert advice

As you can imagine, the tabata are always high intensity because for four minutes you get ten seconds of rest and twenty seconds of exercise. But if the first time you are going to do one, you can always make a small variation: «If you are a beginner and have never done a tabata, I advise you either to rest a little more, instead of 10, 15 seconds, so that you adapt the tabate to your physical condition or if you cannot adapt the exercises so that you can do them with low impact or without impact so that you do not get so tired and you can keep up, ”says the personal trainer.

If, on the other hand, what you want is to increase the intensity, Miguel Ángel Peinado assures that the body itself «is the one who is going to ask for it» and what you should do is listen to it: «The first week you can be a little tired and do not arrive to follow the rhythm completely, the second you will feel a little better and in the third you can even incorporate a jump or any other more intense action because your body will respond to those training stimuli ».

The tabata proposed by Miguel Ángel Peinado (@ miguel.trainer) and Paula Ordovás (@paulaordovas) is made up of eight exercises:

1. Burpess: According to the coach, this exercise begins standing upright and you have to bring the palms of the hands to the ground jumping with the feet back. Then touch the ground with your chest doing a push-up, pick your feet up again and jump for full hip extension while slapping your hands above your head.

2. Jumping Jacks: Starting from a standing position with the legs together and the arms close to the thighs, we jump keeping the back straight and the legs separated to the width of the shoulders, with the head erect. There are different variables, although the ideal is for the hands to touch behind the head rather than above. When bringing the legs together, the arms should touch the thighs, not the hips, so that they travel the longest. During the performance of the Jumpings Jacks, you have to keep the abdomen in slight tension to have the correct posture and you have to try to do them at a good pace so that its cardiovascular benefits are also taken advantage of.

3. skipping: The race on the knees or «skipping» is one of the best known exercises for training and learning the running technique. To practice it, it is advisable to take care of your position so that we avoid leaning the trunk forward.

4. Side jumps: With your feet together, do jumps from left to right until the 20 seconds of exercise is completed.

5. Estrella: This exercise is started in a squat position with the hands resting on each other at chest level. When the squat has been performed, a jump is made with open arms and legs stretched out, as if our body wanted to imitate the shape of a star. In the descent of the jump, we perform the squat and return to santar.

6. Skater: To do this exercise you have to stand with your knees bent, your torso bent slightly forward, but with your back straight, and your feet apart. Now start the movement by jumping to the other side and landing with one leg while the other is placed slightly behind. If you have jumped with the left, this is the first that leans and the right is placed behind, and to return to the starting position you will jump laterally with the right leg and it will be the left that is placed behind.

7. Scissors: The seventh exercise that Miguel Ángel Peinado and Paula Ordovás have chosen is performed as if they were strides, but on the spot and through jumps: first the right leg bent, jump and the impact is with the left leg bent.

8. Climber: With the body in a plank position, alternately bend the knees up to the hips. This exercise is used to burn fat, strengthen muscles and improve endurance.

Remember that you can do this tabata as many times as you want although, depending on the objective, the minimum would be between two and three times a week.

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