The perfect bread recipe, how to choose the right bread

The perfect bread recipe, how to choose the right bread

Experts from Roskachestvo explained which loaves and rolls can be eaten fearlessly.

The “Insiders” program is noisily discussed on the Internet. Its presenters get a job at various industries and show their secret life from the inside. The video, which simply blew up the network, was dedicated to bread. Yaroslavl Bakery, one of the best in the region, turned out to be a disgusting place. Seals live next to the dirty vats where bread is kneaded, using flour as a toilet filler. Of course, mice and rats. Cockroaches? As much as you like. Dirty hands of shop staff, dough that has been on the floor more than once during kneading, bread from processed or expired buns …

And how is it now? Experts Roskachestvo conducted a study the qualities of bread and explained how to choose it correctly and what mistakes we make in doing so.

Mistake 1. Don’t look at the crust color

There should be no cracks or bumps on the correct loaf. The surface must be smooth and level. And the loaf itself should be of an exceptionally regular shape. And necessarily – a golden crust. If there is a lot of sugar and fat in the bread, then the crust will be closer to brown. Why is crust so important? Because it is the first sign of a properly mixed and baked bread.

“The baking time can also affect the color. If the loaf was not aged until ready, or was baked at the wrong temperature, then you will not see a golden crust! ” – says the doctor of technical sciences, professor, head of the department of rheology of food media of the Federal State Institution NIIKhP Valery Chernykh.

If you click on the “correct” loaf, it will immediately restore its shape. If there is a dent, then the cooking technology is violated.

Mistake 2. We do not pay attention to the packaging

According to Valery Chernykh, bread is stored in sealed packaging for the longest time. At the same time, the bread undergoes additional processing: it is cooled, packed in laminated film and again heated in an oven to 70 degrees. It turns out pasteurized bread – this should be indicated on the package. You can store it for a whole month.

“Sometimes there is condensation in the package with the loaf. Condensation may appear if the product is not cooled down enough after baking, ”the expert draws attention to one more subtlety.

If the moisture content in the package is exceeded, the bread molds faster.

Mistake 3. Cutting off the mold

If green spots appear on the bread, discard it immediately. Entirely. The fact is that moldy bread contains mycotoxins – substances that have a carcinogenic effect. Neither frying, drying, nor cutting off the specks will make this bread safe.

There is one more bread sickness. Sometimes the crumb starts to darken, becomes sticky and takes on an unpleasant odor. This means that the flour from which it was made is contaminated with potato stick spores. In no case should such bread be eaten.

Mistake 4. Ignore white bread

According to nutritionists, it is important to be guided not only by the general recommendations of healthy eating specialists, but also by the state of your health. Rye bread is not advised to eat if you have gastritis (and most residents of modern megacities have it), high acidity, exacerbation of stomach ulcers and other problems of the digestive tract. In this case, it is better to give preference to dried wheat bread.

Hostess a note

The ideal bread recipe, according to Marina Kopytko, Ph.D., nutritionist, looks like this: peeled rye bakery flour, drinking water, rye sourdough, maltose syrup, rye malt, sunflower oil, table salt.

If you still like white, that is, it is better with milk, dairy products, soups and vegetables – except for potatoes. But white bread is not combined with meat at all.

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