The pelvic position

Your baby is very active during pregnancy. Moves, changes position, can react with movements to the mother’s behavior. Your baby’s activity declines just before birth, as the declining amount of free space allows only pushing and turning. The correct position of the fetus for most of the pregnancy is the head down position.

Variations of the pelvic position

Complete pelvic position occurs in 10% of cases. The child then brings his knees closer to the stomach and curls his legs into a sitting position.

An incomplete pelvic position occurs when the baby has brought his legs closer to the abdomen, but does not bend the knees. The straightened legs are then placed along the torso upwards, and the feet are next to the face.

Less common poses are when the child remains with the legs stretched downwards. Then we are dealing with a foot arrangement. When only one leg is affected, the other leg is usually bent at the knee and tucked up. There is also a less common knee arrangement.

The causes of the pelvic position

The pelvic position often begins before 35 weeks of gestation. This situation can happen in the following cases:

  1. when the uterus is filled with too much or not enough amniotic fluid,
  2. when the activity of the abdominal and uterine muscles is weakened as a result of previous injuries or previous births,
  3. uterine fibroids
  4. abnormalities in the structure of the uterus (too small or too narrow uterus, two-horned uterus, uterine septum),
  5. improper placement of the bearing, bearing leading,
  6. umbilical cord too short,
  7. twin pregnancy.

Influence of the pelvic position on childbirth

Potential consequences of adopting a pelvic position include:

  1. the baby’s head may get stuck in the birth canals,
  2. mechanical injuries of the head or shoulders,
  3. baby hypoxia.

Caesarean section is a frequently used solution in the case of delivering a child in the pelvic position.

How to diagnose a child’s pelvic position?

The pelvic position can only be fully diagnosed by an ultrasound doctor. However, there are several signs that a baby developing in the belly may be in the wrong position. These symptoms include the baby’s feeling active in the wrong parts of the abdomen. Instead of kicking the ribs, the baby kicks the lower abdomen in the pelvic position. In addition, your partner can help diagnose your baby’s position. We can have a pelvic position when the sound of the heartbeat is displaced and is above the navel.

Is it possible to change the position of the baby in the belly?

It is possible for the baby to shift from the pelvic to the right position while in the mother’s womb. For this purpose, it should make a circulation stimulated by a specialist doctor. It is a procedure performed after 37 weeks of pregnancy. The risk of carrying it out is the possibility of inducing labor. For this reason, it can only be performed by the most experienced doctors.

This procedure is allowed in the absence of contraindications, such as: oligohydramnios, multiple pregnancy, bleeding or the child’s significant size. This treatment involves a mechanical impact on the child by putting pressure on the abdomen, in such a way that it changes its position by itself. The procedure is performed under the control of an ultrasound machine.

You can also try to encourage your child to change positions by using specialized exercises and massages. The specialized training plans offered by birthing schools combine activities such as: physical exercises, relaxing massage of mother and baby, work on body position and change of movement habits.

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