The peak of the summer wave of coronavirus infections is ahead of us. How many coronavirus infections are there now?
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For several weeks, an increase in SARS-CoV-2 virus infections has been observed. Health Minister Adam Niedzielski recently predicted that the peak of the summer wave of infections will fall in mid-August. What may happen in the coming days? What scale of infection do the experts expect? The latest data from the Ministry of Health show that 698 patients have arrived. There were no COVID-19 deaths yesterday.

  1. The Ministry of Health (MZ) reported 698 new coronavirus infections
  2. 82 of these people contracted COVID-19 again
  3. There were no deaths due to infection yesterday
  4. – I think that the official statistics say that there are about 5 a day. positive test results are actually about 10 percent. cases of COVID-19 – believes Dr.Michał Matyjaszczyk from the Polish Mother’s Health Center in Lodz
  5. – The peak of the summer wave of COVID-19 cases will be milder than the previous ones – adds virologist Dr. Łukasz Rębalski
  6. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Poland. Data as of August 7, 2022.

According to the Ministry of Health, 698 people infected with the coronavirus have arrived since yesterday. 82 of them contracted COVID-19 again. There were no deaths due to infection yesterday. 3069 have been tested for the presence of the coronavirus.

Most infections come from the following voivodeships: Mazowieckie, Śląskie and Małopolskie. The statistics for these regions can be found below, and you can check the number of infections in other provinces HERE.

The head of the Ministry of Health, Adam Niedzielski, said on Friday that the countries of our region are currently close to the peak of the summer wave of infections. This is suggested by the increases in the number of new cases both in Slovakia, Austria and the Czech Republic, as well as in Poland. There are more hospitalizations for COVID-19 in these countries, but there is a downward trend in infections.

Obviously, the numbers that appear in official statistics – even if they are close to the “apogee” – do not reflect the real scale of the infection. Dr. Michał Matyjaszczyk said in an interview with PAP «(…) official statistics that say that there are approx. positive test results are actually about 5 percent. falling ill with COVID-10. (…) at the moment it may be approx. 19-30 thousand. new cases daily ». However, even with so many infections, the expert believes that the peak of the summer wave turns out to be softer than expected.

Dr. Łukasz Rębalski also points out the mild course of the current wave of coronavirus infections. The virologist told PAP that the SARS-Co-2 mutations, the birth of which we actually watch “live”, are fortunately not as dangerous as previous variants of the coronavirus (although they are more infectious). It is also positive that patients approach the issue of isolation during illness more and more seriously.

«(…) people among whom I am are aware of the danger and test themselves at the slightest symptoms, not pretending that it is» just a cold «” – He said.

The milder course of the wave of infections should not, however, absolve us from responsibility for protection against infection.

Let’s vaccinate while we’re healthy – appeals Dr. Matyjaszczyk. – We will soon enter the flu season and it is worth combining two vaccinations – against COVID-19 and against flu. You can have both vaccinations at the same time, or you can have an interval of two or four weeks. Both are important and I recommend both not only to seniors – he added.

You are not sure if your ailments indicate COVID-19? Reach for a convenient antigen test that you can do yourself at home. You will find it in Medonet Market.

Protection is important as fall is approaching and with it an increased risk of contamination from pathogens, not only with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

– It is not known what the course of coronavirus infections will be in conjunction with seasonal flu and flu-like viruses. I think In the autumn, a very difficult period awaits us – even if the infections are mild, the number of cases is 10. per day will exclude large groups from normal activities»- emphasized Dr. Matyjaszczyk.

The Minister of Health also spoke about the autumn wave of infections. – It is assumed that the period of about 20 weeks is the period when we gain such short-term immunity, which postpones this fall wave, which we always talked about in the context of the turn of September and October. Now the most likely scenario is that if we deal with another wave, it will rather be postponed to November, December.»- emphasized Niedzielski.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time Joanna Kozłowska, author of the book High Sensitivity. A Guide for Those Who Feel Too Much »says that high sensitivity is not a disease or dysfunction – it’s just a set of characteristics that affect the way you perceive and perceive the world. What are the genetics of WWO? What are the perks of being highly sensitive? How to act with your high sensitivity? You will find out by listening to the latest episode of our podcast.

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