The patient comes first. How to successfully fight cancer?

Despite the fact that cancer causes great fear and fear in us, it can be effectively treated. In order to change the way people think about cancer and make patients aware that it is not a sentence – for the seventh time – the educational campaign “Overcoming cancer – Patient in the center of attention” is trying.

Modern medicine provides us with many effective methods of treatment. However, we should not forget about prevention and education, as well as the ability to empathize with the extremely strong emotions of a patient suffering from cancer. For this reason, the 7th edition of the “Defeat cancer” campaign runs under the slogan: “Patient in the center of attention”. The publication opens with an interview with prof. extra dr. hab. n. med. Jacek Fijuth, President of the Polish Society of Oncology. Important oncological issues are raised in the conversation, including: Polish patients’ access to modern therapies, a radical change in the role of the patient in the treatment process, and the unique patient-doctor relationship. “The basis of the relationship between the doctor and the patient is good, effective communication, based on trust, empathy, mutual listening and adequate response” – explains Dr. Janusz Meder, President of the Polish Oncology Union. “Modern medical care has a holistic dimension, apart from the physical dimension, it also includes the mental, social and spiritual” – adds Marcin Hetnał, MD, PhD, director of the Amethyst Radiation Therapy Center in Krakow.

Kidney cancer – new treatment options

One of the main topics of this edition is the situation of Polish patients with advanced kidney cancer. The recommendations of the European Cancer Society include new breakthrough therapies that offer hope for patients in whom first-line treatment has failed. We talk to Dr. n. med. Paweł Nurzyński from the Department of Oncology and Hematology, Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Warsaw.

Cancer pain – a chronic disease

Pain is one of the most common and troublesome symptoms of many diseases, including cancer and other incurable chronic diseases. It is very important for patients to be aware that if they cause unnecessary suffering, we have the right to specialist pain treatment. Aleksandra Kotlińska-Lemieszek, MD, PhD from the Department and Clinic of Palliative Medicine at the Medical University of Poznań explains what steps can be taken to provide patients with comprehensive care and life without unnecessary pain.

Breast Cancer – Choosing Your Treatment Options

Advanced breast cancer is a chronic disease that often requires long-term treatment. Of course, the very effectiveness of the therapy is very important, as well as the quality of the patient’s life during its duration. To the questions of the Federation of “Amazon” Associations, the organizer of the campaign “As Is – I Have a Choice!” says Dr. Katarzyna Pogoda from the Warsaw Oncology Center – Institute of Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie. Women still have low awareness of breast cancer. Patients must understand what they are struggling with and what support they can count on, which is why in an educational article, Elżbieta Kozik, President of the Polskie Amazonki Ruch Społeczny organization, answers the most common questions that women face in the area of ​​breast cancer.

The patient is in focus

In the maze of bureaucratic regulations, we often forget that the patient is the most important in the fight against cancer. That is why today we asked experts who have been working for years to improve oncological care in Poland about the most important issues that will make the patient the center of attention. The honest voice on this topic was given by: Krystyna Wechmann, President of the Polish Coalition of Oncological Patients; Elżbieta Majewska, Polish Amazons Social Movement; Jarosław Goślński, editor-in-chief of the portal

And the questions why nutrition of the body should be the basis of the fight against cancer are answered in an educational article by Konrad Tomaszewski, a nutritionist and physiologist.

The full publication is available here.

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