The pandemic returns to Wuhan. More and more cases, further restrictions
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Cases of COVID-19 infection are on the rise in China. Last week, the increase between Monday and Tuesday was over 100%. There have been so many coronavirus infections in China since January 2021. The Delta variant also went to Wuhan, where restrictions were introduced, as well as mass testing of citizens.

  1. China is the country where the coronavirus pandemic has started
  2. However, it is still unknown where the virus actually came from. Possible theories include the bat-to-human transmission of SARS-CoV-2, as well as its leakage from a laboratory in Wuhan
  3. While the pandemic situation in China appeared to be under control, it is now seeing a renewed increase in the number of infections. The authorities also suspended flights and sporting events
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage.

New coronavirus cases are rising in China. Delta infections also in Wuhan

The pandemic in China seemed to be going away practically since last year. For over a week, however, the situation has started to change. On Saturday, July 24, there were only 32 new cases of coronavirus infections. A day later, however, 76 were reported. It is relatively not a large number, but the trend already seemed to be alarming then. It meant that last week’s daily growth in China grew by over 100%.

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Apart from symptomatic COVID-19 cases, asymptomatic infections constituted a separate number and were not included in the above statistics. These increased from 17 to 24 in one day.

The main outbreaks of the coronavirus at the time were eastern Jiangsu Province and Northeast Liaoning Province, the Chinese Ministry of Health reported.

The next week brought more bad news from China. The growing number of infections with the Delta variant has forced the country’s authorities to decide to introduce new restrictions. Passenger flights have been suspended, trains are not running, and there will be no baseball league games. What’s more, in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus pandemic began, mass testing of the public against COVID-19 was introduced.

Currently, coronavirus cases have been found in 35 Chinese cities located in 17 of the country’s 33 provinces. The highest number of infections is still recorded in Jiangsu Province. Only a few cases of the coronavirus have been confirmed in Wuhan, but these are the first infections in more than a year that do not come from overseas.

According to official data published by, 93 people have become infected with the coronavirus in China since the beginning of the pandemic. 193 people. There are 87 healers there. 400. Deaths as a result of the coronavirus infection have suffered 4. 636 Chinese citizens. Since last week, not a single person has died due to COVID-19, according to official data.

Increase in COVID-19 infections in China. For a long time, the pandemic seemed to be dying out there

In December 2019, the first case of SARS-CoV-2 infection was detected in Wuhan, China. Soon, the virus spread from China to other Asian countries, and also crossed the continental barrier.

  1. See also: Sweden’s chief epidemiologist: it’s impossible to eradicate the virus

When the pandemic situation in the Middle Kingdom was already beginning to normalize, the coronavirus hit hard first in Italy, then Great Britain, and then also Poland. In recent months, while the pandemic continues and worries both experts and citizens, we have heard little about what is happening in China. In fact, the only reports from the Middle Kingdom concerned tracing the genesis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The most popular theories were about its bat-to-human transmission at a Wuhan market or that it slipped out of the lab. At the moment, however, it is still unknown what really happened.

However, the pandemic situation in China itself seemed to be under control. After the record-breaking daily increases in infected people at the turn of January and February 2020, the bars practically did not increase at all.

Do you want to test your COVID-19 immunity after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

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