
About why not only children, but also adults need to play, says psychologist Stuart Brown.

“Playing is our natural state. Take a look at the animals. They play all the time. This allows them to explore each other’s possibilities. They send signals to each other, and the inevitable fight suddenly turns into a dance. This is an amazing example of how the difference in strength can be overcome by the natural inclinations that are in each of us.

I became interested in this issue while working on the case of Charles Whitman, a murderer who in 1966 shot dozens of random passers-by. We studied his history and found an aberration that I call play deprivation: the absence of educational games and the long-term suppression of the need to play formed a propensity for violence.

Creativity comes from play. The most delightful thing about the game is that it does not have a specific goal. If the goal is more important than the action itself, then most likely it is not a game. Play arises out of curiosity and a thirst for exploration. It allows us to better control our body, and therefore more effectively interact with the world. Games permeate our society. If you want to be «in» in a group, you need to play social games. Preschoolers should be allowed to dive, hit, whistle, scream, make havoc. This develops their social qualities, emotional regulation.

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When mother and baby look at each other, this is the beginning of the game. This is the point at which all games begin. Every piece of more complex game form comes from this moment. The game activates the cerebellum, sends a lot of impulses to the frontal lobes of the brain, and helps the development of contextual memory.

Pets that are not allowed to play do not develop their brains normally. In the rat experiment, one group was allowed to play freely while the other group was prevented from doing so. Then a cat was let into the room with rats. The rats from the «playing» group acted more boldly, took risks, tried to find a way out, and the non-playing rats hid and no longer dared to leave the shelter. So games can be important for survival.

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We each have our own unique gaming history. I want to tell you the story of Kevin Carroll. He grew up in incredibly depressing circumstances: an alcoholic mother, no father, a Negro ghetto in Philadelphia, the need to take care of a younger brother. But one day he realized that when he looked out the window at the basketball court, he felt something special. And he followed this feeling. His life began to develop completely differently. He had every chance to go to jail or even die, but he became a linguist, coach, orator. He believes that the game has changed his whole life. Find in your past the earliest game image, clear and joyful. It doesn’t matter if it’s related to a toy, happy birthday or holidays. And, having found this image, try to build a connection between it and your life today. You may enrich your life by redefining your priorities and needs.

The opposite of play is not work, but depression. Imagine life, the entire culture of mankind without the game. No fantasy, no competition, no flirting. Through game signals, the foundations of trusting relationships between people are laid. The exchange of game signals gives us a sense of security.

I suggest not to oppose work and play. Not to set aside time for games, but to fill your life with them — minute by minute, hour by hour. Fill with contact games, games with objects, social, transformational, improvisational games. I’m sure your life will get better and you’ll feel stronger.»

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