“The only source of innovation is angry people.” Expert opinions

collected statements of well-known experts on innovations in various areas of life and activity of modern man

Tom Peters is an American writer, management specialist, and was a White House adviser and consultant to McKinsey & Company:

All in all, there is only one source of innovation, whether it be information technology, recruitment systems, or technical product development. This source is angry people. People who are determined to make a change and will go all the way.

When you try to introduce even a small innovation into a system, you encounter resistance. People do not like change, both internal and external. And so you must take the hit. You must accept the rage of the people whose lives you are trying to change.

Gary Hamel is an American expert in the field of strategic management., Founder of the international consulting company Strategos:

Empathy is the engine of innovation. This is why I often worry about how dehumanized our companies have become. Listen to a typical CEO talk or browse an employee-focused website and notice the words that keep popping up: “leadership,” “solution,” “advantage,” “focus,” “dynamic,” “differentiation,” and “ superiority”.

There is nothing wrong with these words, but they do not inspire human hearts. And this is a problem, because if you want to innovate, you must be inspired, your colleagues must be inspired, and finally, your customers must be inspired too.

Pro, McKinsey article “How to Survive Digital Transformation and Keep Your Business”:

Try to imagine what the industry you work in and what your company’s role in it would look like if you had to start from scratch and create a new roadmap for yourself. The finance arm of a European financial company, in order to understand how digitalization affects its existing lines of business, did the following. For the car loan department, the question “how to simplify the process of applying for a car loan online?” morphed into “how will our business model change if people stop buying cars and start buying mobility?”

Today, an insurer should not be thinking about how to sell car insurance online, they should be rethinking what auto insurance means in a self-driving vehicle market.

Iris Jeba is the CEO of IBM in our country and the CIS:

75% of leading companies collect ideas from ordinary employees. The management of such companies encourages initiative from below, supports experiments, welcomes the quick reaction of subordinates to market changes. Organizations are investing in training, minimizing bureaucracy, and striving to create a corporate culture that makes it unprofitable for people to remain passive performers.

We see that both the consumer and the employee can be sources of valuable ideas for business, in this sense, a person remains the most important link in the chain of creating an innovative product.

Itzhak Calderon Adizes – founder of the Adizes Institute (California), business consultant for several hundred companies, including Bank of America, Coca-Cola, IBM, etc., political consultant for the governments of Sweden, Brazil, Israel, Mexico:

When I worked with Russian companies, the problem was that the meetings were held in silence. Only the leader spoke. It turns out that huge opportunities are not used. Your country is too autocratic. This is also reflected in the culture of companies. In a democracy, people are a network of computers, and a network of computers is always stronger than even the best single supercomputer in the world. You need leaders who are more open, flexible, and willing to listen to people.

But the problem is that when you have leaders who are ready to listen and understand, you do not respect them. You are looking for a strong authoritarian leader who tells you what to do. You even have all the monuments pointing the finger somewhere: come on! That is, you push away those who you need the most. That is why we try to work simultaneously with the psychology of the leader himself and with the culture of companies. It takes two partners to dance the tango.

Pro, PwC article “How to prepare your employees for the future”:

Despite all the talk of automation and artificial intelligence, success requires making the most of the talents of those workers who cannot be replaced by machines in the foreseeable future. They will play a major role in business development. At the same time, the fewer people involved in the value chain, the higher the value of each of them and the more vulnerable the entire chain becomes if such people are demotivated or leave the company.

Over time, it will become increasingly important to give employees enough time to recuperate, as increasing life expectancy will require saving energy no longer for sprints, but for marathons of horizontal and vertical career growth.

Rising life expectancy and the complete transformation of familiar career paths due to technology means that everyone will need to learn how to quickly adapt to new conditions. The most successful companies will be those that can provide their employees with ongoing training. Show employees that change will happen all the time and that the ability to change will be valued.

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