The Omicron Wave is approaching. 10 things that can stop her
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Experts predict that in a few weeks the fifth wave of the epidemic may begin in Poland, this time caused by the Omikron variant. The new mutation is distinguished by increased contagiousness, which is why doctors expect an exponential increase in COVID-19 cases. What can be done to prevent the black scenario from happening? Students of the medical faculty of the Medical University of Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie in Warsaw have prepared a list of 10 things that should be introduced in Poland. The list is called “OMIKRON JUST” (from the first letters of the words that begin each recommendation).

10 demands for action on the eve of the fifth wave

Below we publish the full text of students’ demands.

  1. OThe micron and the coming pandemic could be associated with hundreds of thousands of new cases. In order to grasp its scale not only from subsequent deaths and hospitalizations, we need to test and sequence more. For example, at 10 percent. positive tests to catch 100 one million people should be tested on infections a day. In terms of the number of tests per million people, since the beginning of the pandemic, Poland is at the end of the first hundred countries in the world (somewhere between Gabon and Botswana). There is no chance of catching the peak of the passing wave. Let’s test and sequence more!
  2. Mless than 22 percent Poles are protected against serious illness by taking the third dose (a booster dose). Only more than half of them accepted the primary vaccination schedule. The uptake of the third dose should be accelerated and widely encouraged.
  3. Isecuring children and teenagers will be essential in the Omikron wave. It is urgent to accelerate the very weak effects of the Polish vaccination program in the group of 12-17 years old, as in children in the 5-11 group, as more and more data indicate serious illnesses and complications of SARS-CoV-2 infections in children. According to the US recommendations, urgent administration of a third dose in adolescents 12-17 years of age should be considered without waiting for European recommendations. Let us vaccinate children and youth!
  4. CSerious illnesses, deaths, hospitalizations are not the only problems associated with COVID-19. Many people suffer from post-COVID, long covid syndromes after the disease, and children are increasingly developing complex multi-organ failure syndromes called PIMS, which can occur even after a mild course of COVID-19. Let us educate parents, let us not be persuaded that disease is better than vaccination, that it provides protection against subsequent infection! Let us educate pregnant and nursing women that they should get vaccinated!
  5. Rygoristically, anti-vaccine movements in social media, public space, parliament and institutions of public trust should be fought. Government officials claiming vaccines are still a medical experiment cannot be tolerated, MPs believing that there is protective anti-vaccine antibody levels. In relation to doctors and other healthcare professionals who deny the pandemic and thus influence attitudes and decisions about vaccination, professional consequences should be drawn.
  6. Ocompulsory vaccinations should be introduced now, not in March 2022, but as soon as possible, in all professional groups with a lot of direct contacts: medical workers, teachers, trade workers, public transport, officials, parliamentarians, uniformed services. It is possible to consider making vaccination compulsory for certain age groups according to the Italian model, and even for all citizens. In the case of compulsory vaccinations for all, consideration may be given to paying for hospitalization costs for COVID-19 by persistent refusers.
  7. NDo not delay at the first symptoms of the disease, perform tests quickly, isolate ourselves, and follow medical recommendations. We still do not have any evidence of the effectiveness of administration of untested drugs, we are still waiting for the wide availability of new oral antiviral drugs for people with a confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection test, which should be taken up to 5 days after the onset of symptoms to prevent severe disease. COVID-19. In the case of a very large number of infected, consideration may be given to shortening the time of isolation and imposed quarantine for some people, as is proposed in many countries that test well and are better coping with the pandemic.
  8. Tonly enforcement of covid passports will protect us from further lockdowns, ensure the possibility of safe functioning in places of work, science, trade, sport, entertainment, gastronomy and religious worship. We expect efficient and transparent legislation and the introduction of these solutions immediately, even despite many months of delays in relation to other European countries.
  9. Umediocrity, record-breaking in Europe and the world in the COVID-19 pandemic, the greatest extinction of Poles since World War II has many causes. They include the collapse of the health care system, hospitals with record debt (increase in hospital debt in Poland between 2015 and 2021 from PLN 10 billion to PLN 20 billion), the smallest number of doctors and nurses in OECD countries and among our 7 neighbors (24,1 physicians per 10000 inhabitants) and reduced salaries of medical personnel due to the introduced “Polish Deal”. The solution to this situation is not to constantly increase the pool of covid beds by reducing the number of beds for other patients, postponing treatments, hospitalization, transforming subsequent departments and hospitals, and constantly reducing medical care in Poland. Enough with the dictatorship and terrorism of unvaccinated people who will make people who are vaccinated die, with limited access to diagnosis and treatment of diseases other than COVID-19.
  10. ŻNo “gene of opposition” has been discovered among Poles. We are Europeans and we still want to be. We want to fight the pandemic and not just monitor the number of deaths. We want to listen to the opinions of experts and know the recommendations of the medical council. Simple methods of limiting virus transmission are still important: masks, disinfection, distancing, isolation. Still, at the height of successive waves of the pandemic, one should remember not to organize mass events, “New Year’s Eve infections”, and other corona-parties. All these restrictions must be applied and enforced.
Do you want to test yourself?

The COVID-19 Real-Time PCR test can be performed at selected drive thru points of the Diagnostics network.

Prepared by students of the medical faculty – students of the optional subject “Updating knowledge about COVID-19” at the Medical University of Maria Skłodowskiej-Curie in Warsaw under the supervision of prof. dr hab. med. Krzysztof J. Filipiak was compiled on January 14, 2022.

This may interest you:

  1. There are children with Omicron. Symptoms can be very unusual
  2. Another wave will come after covid. “We doctors are afraid of this”
  3. When will Omikron dominate Poland? Dr. Fiałek gives specific dates

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