The oldest man in the world was a woman who lived 122 years and 164 days. Currently, the oldest man in the world is also a woman who will turn 118 in January. People who have lived for more than 110 years are called super centenarians. Does longevity have to do with a person’s place of origin? What factors influence longevity? Diet, physical activity, and maybe interpersonal relationships?

The oldest man in the world, that is, the super centenarian

The oldest people in the world live more than 110 years. Therefore, they are not called centenarians, but super centenarians. A super-centennial is any person who has survived more than 110 years. Statistically speaking, this is not the most common case, since this age is now around one in a thousand centenarians. The American research organization is responsible for the authentication of the oldest people in the world Gerontology Research Group. Its researchers have established that there are currently about 300-450 super centenarians in the world, of which about 70 have been verified by the organization.

The word super centenarian comes from the English supercentenarian and has been used since at least the 1970s. Probably no one will be surprised that the presence of this word in public discourse was initiated by the publisher of the Guinness Book of Records, Norris McWhirter.

Interestingly, the researchers of the Gerontology Research Group themselves, when authenticating the age of super-centenarians, use the data collected for this Book. The concept of super centenarians was also used by A. Ross Eckler, the famous researcher of longevity.

The first super-centenarian to appear on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records was Thomas Peters of Dutch origin, who was said to live to be 111 years and 354 days. The actual age of the Dutchman was, however, called into question as the documents that could prove it are lost.

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What is geriatrics? What is worth knowing about old age? Check: Geriatrics – specificity, geriatrics in Poland, preparation for the visit

The oldest man in the world – Kane Tanaka

Currently, the oldest man in the world is Kane Tanaka, the Japanese super centenarian. Kane Tanaka will be 2 years old on January 118. The title of the oldest man in the world on July 22, 2018, after the death of Chiyo Miyako, who died at the age of 115 and 201 days. In turn, on March 9, 2019, the name of Kane Tanaka was entered in the Guinness Book of Records. Kane Tanaka is considered to be the oldest person in Asian history and the third oldest in world history.

Kane Tanaka was born in 1903 in the village of Wajiro on the Japanese island of Kisiu as the seventh child (out of eight) of Kumakichi and Kuma Ota. Kane was born prematurely. At 19, she married Hideo Tanaka. Kane and Hideo did not meet before their wedding, which was a fairly common practice in Japanese tradition. They had four children of their own and also adopted one child.

Kane Tanaka’s husband ran a family business where he produced and sold sticky rice, Udon noodles and traditional Japanese sweets. In 1937, Hideo was drafted into the army to fight on the front lines of the Second Sino-Japanese War. At that time, the family business was run by Kane Tanaka, while looking after the children and mother-in-law.

At 103, Kane Tanaka was diagnosed with colon cancer. She underwent a five-hour operation, thanks to which she recovered. When she was 107, her son published a book in which he described his mother’s life as well the secrets of its longevity. Currently, Kane Tanaka lives in Fukuoka Prefecture. She has been in a nursing home since 2005. Her favorite food is chocolate and her favorite drink is cola.

Privately, Kane Tanaka is a great fan of Othello, she has become an expert in both classic and board games. In addition, he writes poetry and often mentions his trips to the United States. He attributes his long life to his deep faith in God.

Can you stop the aging process? Read the article about the social campaign supporting seniors: How to have a nice old age?

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The oldest man in the world in history

Za record holder in the length of human life Jeanne Louise Calment, a French national, is recognized. The French woman lived 122 years and 164 days, outliving both her daughter and her grandson. Jeanne Calment received the title of the oldest man in world history on October 17, 1995, after she exceeded the age of Japanese Shigechiyo Izumi, i.e. 120 years and 237 days. Jeanne Calment’s lifespan has been thoroughly researched and scientifically documented, and is now considered the only known person in history to have lived beyond 120 years without a shadow of a doubt.

Jeanne Calment was born the fourth child in the family of Nicolas Calment and Marguerite Gilles on February 21, 1875. It is considered a curiosity that several of her family members are also credited with longevity. Francois’s older brother lived 97 years, his father 96, and his mother died at 86.

At 21, Jeanne Calment married her cousin Fernand Nicolas Calment. He was a wealthy shop owner, so Jeanne herself lived in an affluent state and never took up any work all her life. She spent her daily life on activities such as tennis, cycling, visits to the theater and the opera. For some time, she was also passionate about fencing.

While she was doing quite well materially, her family life did not bring her much joy. She had only one daughter who died of pneumonia at the age of 36. A few years later, her husband died, who had poisoned himself with spoiled cherries in a dessert prepared by her aunt. In turn, her only grandson died as a result of injuries sustained in a car accident.

90-year-old Jeanne, deprived of her family and possible heirs, entered into a contract with lawyer Raffray, to whom she transferred ownership of the property. In return, the lawyer was to pay Jeanne a lifetime salary of 2500 francs a month. Jeanne’s house was worth the salary for 10 years, while the lawyer had to pay it for 30 years.

He eventually died before Mrs. Calment in 1995, two months after Calment was named the oldest man in world history. After the lawyer’s death, the salary was paid by the widow, Mrs. Raffray.

The phenomenon of Jeanne Calment’s longevity aroused the interest of many researchers. The purpose of the considerations was to understand the case of the longevity of a person who liked to drink a glass of wine and smoke tobacco until the age of 117. She also did not shy away from sweets. Reportedly, she ate a kilogram of chocolate a week. Calment had one answer to explain her longevity: optimism and a smile. And she jokingly retorted that Good Lord had forgotten about her.


Both before and after Jeanne Calment’s death, there were reports of people allegedly living longer than Jeanne. However, none of these cases has ever been verified by the Gerontology Research Group. It is noteworthy that the story of Jeanne Calment itself was taken as a hoax. In 2018, Nikolai Zak, a mathematician, stated that Jeanne Calment died in 1934, and was impersonated by her daughter Yvonne, who did not want to pay high inheritance taxes at the time.

The oldest man in the world and the place of origin

Can longevity depend on the geographic location of where you come from? It is difficult to give an unequivocal answer to this question. However, according to data published in 2009 by the World Health Organization, the inhabitants of Japan and San Marino can expect to reach 83 years of age. 82 years of life are predicted for Italians, Spaniards, Australians, Israelis, Icelanders, Switzerland, Singaporeans and Andorra and Monaco.

These projections vary depending on the organization that publishes its analyzes and research. For example according to The World Factbook of the CIA, the citizens of Monaco have lived the longest, 89 years, the inhabitants of Macau are in second place, and the Japanese are in third place. Among the nationalities that bode well for longevity, the people of Singapore, San Marino and Andorra are also mentioned. The list also includes Italians and Australians in the top ten.

When assessing life expectancy in specific regions of the world, researchers rely primarily on socio-economic indicators. Dan Beuttner, who devoted a lot of his work and time to his longevity with his team National Geographic has designated 5 places in the world where people live more often than 100 years than in other parts of the world. Researchers found that there are 9 factors that connect these regions, including: a meat-free diet rich in vegetables, not eating up to a full stomach, reducing stress through meditation or prayer, setting a goal for the day, commitment to family and community, and outdoor physical activity.

The 5 regions mentioned in Dan Beuttner’s research are:

  1. Okinawa Islands – are located in the southern part of Japan. In Okinawa, the number of women over the age of 70 is the highest in the world. Cardiovascular diseases, senile dementia or cancer are practically not diagnosed here;
  2. Sardinia – the country located in Italy can boast the largest number of men in the world who are over a hundred. The century-old Sardinians live in mountain villages where they have spent most of their lives as shepherds or farmers. In this part of Italy, family relationships and ties are extremely important, as they reduce stress for the inhabitants;
  3. Ikaria – is a Greek island in the Aegean archipelago. In this part of Greece, people live up to 90 years of age three times as often as in the United States of America. In addition, Alzheimer’s disease, cardiovascular diseases or cancer are very rarely diagnosed here. As in Italian Sardinia, family relationships and ties are very important to the inhabitants of Ikaria. In addition, farming and fishing are conducive to long-term physical activity and the absorption of large amounts of vitamin D;
  4. Nicoya – it’s a peninsula in Costa Rica and the second in the world with the largest number of centenary men. Nicoya has waters rich in calcium and magnesium, and the peninsula’s diet consists of fruits rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, as well as rice and legumes;
  5. beautiful hill – is a city in California where you live 10 years longer than in other parts of the United States. This part of California is home to a Seventh-day Adventist community who live by certain rules. Vegetarianism, abstinence from alcohol and cigarettes as well as a healthy lifestyle dominate here. The inhabitants of Loma Linda actively participate in spiritual life and engage in social activities. They are diagnosed with diabetes or neoplastic diseases much less frequently than the average American. 

The top five countries with the highest life expectancy are as follows: South Korea – 90 years, Singapore – 83,1 years, Japan – 83 years, Spain – 82,8 years, Switzerland – 81 years.

The oldest man in the world – what is old age?

What exactly is old age? By definition, it is a condition that results from the aging process. This is the period of the last years of a person’s life. Old age is defined and defined through the biological, cognitive, emotional and social prism.

In biological terms, old age is the body of physiological changesthat occur in the human body after 60-65. age. From a biological point of view, it is impossible to stop old age, because during this period the intensive rebuilding of cells is inhibited and the body loses its natural resistance to diseases. The changes are visible in virtually every organ and system. In old age, tissues are no longer as hydrated as before, which means they are no longer flexible and become atrophied. The nervous system is less active, which is associated with impairment of cognitive processes, especially memory, concentration and attention.

The concept of old age in biological terms it is shifting up because today’s society lives longer than previous generations. The greatest impact on extending the life span of a person has the significant development of medicine and a higher level of personal hygiene or the invention of vaccines that prevent numerous diseases. Unfortunately, but at the same time extending human life is associated with an increase in the number of people who are not independent.

Old age in social terms it is much more difficult to define because the line between youth, middle age and old age is fluid and changes over the years. Neanderthals, for example, lived to be 30 years old. A 40-year-old citizen of Ancient Rome was considered an old man. Life expectancy significantly increased over the course of the 80th, XNUMXth and XNUMXth centuries. Nowadays, old age in social terms affects people even after XNUMX years of age.

What do the data say about the life of a Polish senior citizen? Check: The life of an old man is dismal. Especially Polish

How to become the world’s oldest man? Eat healthy!

Human health largely depends on how you compose your daily diet. It is also said for a reason, “you are what you eat.” What did the oldest people in the history of the world eat? Jeanne Calment, as previously mentioned, ate over two pounds of chocolate a week, smoked two cigarettes a day and drank one glass of wine every Sunday. These are data from her obituary, her daily menu is unknown, but it certainly contained more ingredients than sweets, cigarettes and alcohol.

One of the oldest American women, Agnes Fenton, who lived to 112 years, gave an interview to one of the American websites, in which she revealed that until her old age she drank three beers and a glass of Johnnie Walker a day. Her breakfast meal was porridge, buttered toast, bacon, sausage, and orange juice. Her favorite foods were green beans, sweet potatoes and chicken wings.

In the stories of people considered the oldest people in the world, there is a lot of snack and joke that has little to do with a balanced diet. In regions where life expectancy is the highest, it is very important to have a balanced menu with a healthy eating pyramid.

According to the principles of the healthy eating pyramid, our daily menu should include as little fatty meat and sweets as possible, and as many plant products as possible. Daily, you should eat about 4-5 not too abundant meals, which are mostly products rich in soluble fiber, i.e. vegetables, nuts, fruit or whole grains.

It is also important to avoid highly processed products. It is best to reach for fresh, unprocessed products from proven, local and ecological crops or farms. However, if you make room for processed foods in your diet, choose those with a short list of ingredients. It is also worth paying attention that sugar is not the first one on the list.

A healthy diet should not include products composed mainly of wheat flour, fat, sugar, hydrogenated vegetable oils, palm oil, pork fat, mechanically separated meat, glucose-fructose syrup, preservatives, colorings or flavor enhancers.

Seniors should take special care of their body. The Bioherba brand recommends a special Senior Kit, the individual elements of which are to affect various aspects of the health and beauty of the elderly. The set includes: milk thistle oil for good liver function, Angel’s Kiss tea for better digestion and a multi-tasking care and regeneration cream for children and adults Bioherba for a beautiful appearance.

If you have doubts about how to compose a healthy diet, be sure to read: Healthy diet

How to become the world’s oldest man? Be active!

Sport is health – it has been known for a long time. Therefore, the recipes for longevity clearly indicate the importance of physical activity even in old age. Physical activity is at the base of the healthy eating pyramid, and you must absolutely remember it. Even the healthiest and best-balanced diet will not allow you to maintain good health without the right dose of exercise.

Our everyday life has largely been reduced to sitting at a desk in front of a computer. We stay still for up to 8 hours a day. Such immobility should be properly balanced with physical activity. Personal trainers clearly declare that in order to stay healthy, you should do moderate-intensity training at least 5 times a week for about 30 minutes. In addition, it is worth adding walks, commuting to work by bicycle and replacing the elevator with stairs.

Physical activity, if it does not give us longevity, will certainly help to keep a slim figure, reduce the risk of osteoporosis, atherosclerosis and diabetes. In addition, by training, we relieve stress, which affects the psychological comfort.

Why is physical activity so important? Read: Physical activity strengthens not only the muscles but also the brain

How to become the world’s oldest man? Reduce your stress!

Stress is needed because it motivates us to act. However, long-term stress can wreak havoc on our body. Therefore, the amount of stress should be kept to a minimum. To do this, it is enough to plan the daily schedule very carefully, not to overload it with tasks, arrange meetings or activities so that everything can be done on time.

When planning your day or week, it is worth remembering that routine is helpful. It is good to get the body used to the regular rhythm of the day, i.e. go to bed and get up at the same time, and take care of the balance between work and relaxation time. Tilting the balance to either side will not be beneficial in the long run, but only negatively affect our mental health.

How Can I Deal With Stress? Check: Stress – how to prevent it?

How to become the world’s oldest man? Be happy!

Do you know what hygge is? It is a Danish word that is used to describe comfort, convenience, safety and happiness. A sense of inner harmony, positive thinking and focusing mainly on good emotions have a beneficial effect on mental health and effectively reduce stress.

It is worth remembering that nervousness, anxiety, anger, anxiety and other negative emotions cause excessive secretion of cortisol. This, in turn, increases blood pressure, increases cholesterol levels, causes inflammation, and causes serious dermatological changes. This is a clear answer to the fact that our mental state largely affects our physical state – and vice versa. Therefore, in order to stay healthy and get closer to longevity, it is necessary to take care of both these spheres of our life.

What is the happiness hormone? Read: Endorphin, or the happiness hormone. What do you need to know about it?

How to become the world’s oldest man? Take care of relationships!

In regions where people live the longest, communities focus on family and friendship relationships and ties. Man is a social being, he is not a lonely island, therefore he needs other people to function properly and happily. Loneliness, lack of contacts with other people make us lose communication skills, our motivation to do any activity decreases, and consequently we age faster and suffer from various diseases.

Therefore, it is worth cultivating family contacts, friendship, taking care of your relationship and establishing new, valuable relationships. Building a network of friends of friends will surely bear fruit in the future, both in difficult and joyful and happy situations.

Why are interpersonal relationships so important to seniors? Check: Second person – the best way to an active and happy senior life

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