The nurses attached a funny note to the blood samples. “Save from all hemolysis”

A funny post was published on the profile of “Sister Bożenna” on Facebook, in which a handwritten note from nurses was presented, addressed to laboratory workers. The note was attached to the blood samples taken from the patients. The nurses’ sense of humor amused many Internet users who comment on the entry.

Nurses and employees of medical laboratories know that for blood tests to be reliable, high care must be taken at the stage of collecting the material. One of the undesirable phenomena that may affect the condition of the blood tested is the so-called haemolysis. This is what the nurses referred to by adding a note with an amusing drawing added to the patient samples.

«Oooo dear lab! Accept this blood sacrifice as a sign of our devotion and keep it from any hemolysis dedicated nurses » they wrote.

Hemolysis is a premature and abnormal breakdown of red blood cells. It can be present in the body constantly and be a disease, or it can be the result of a wrong blood donation. The causes of hemolysis in the test tube may include difficulties in gaining access to the vein, too violent and vigorous mixing of the blood after collection, the use of too thin needles, too long storage and transport of blood, or improper freezing of blood samples.

  1. When the patient’s blood was drawn, their jaw dropped. «It looks like raspberry juice with white chocolate»

Internet users watching the profile of “Sister Bożenna” warmly welcomed the post with a note and shared other similar stories. «So far I have been touched by two »notes« from the ladies collecting: The child is dense, the fingers are cold (read: difficult to collect »on the capanka«) and the second: This is not haemolysis, the patient just has such blood (and the serum is red as borscht in the test tube).) ” one of the Facebook users writes.

“One mother the retired lab technician laughed equally at it » another internet user adds. «I always wonder why hemolysis is always at night, when we have blood “on the wall” and it is never there during routine examinations, during the day» comments another.

Profile “Sister Bożenna” is watched by over 130 thousand. people. It publishes jokes, tips and funny stories about the nursing profession.

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