Optimal security
For parents, and they are not wrong, the nursery is the choice of safety: perfectly adapted premises obeying strict standards, qualified staff, teamwork that makes it possible to compensate for the possible weaknesses of some by the strengths of others, multidisciplinary workers (educator, pediatrician, psychologist). Supervision is rigorous, very important hygiene, the food chosen with care.
A stimulating environment
Your child is in constant contact with other adults, trained in early learning, and with other children. He is therefore in constant demand, accustomed to the presence of others, and he will not discover the community suddenly the day he enters kindergarten.
Schedules that are not always suitable
The main disadvantage of the nursery is its lack of flexibility, especially with regard to the hours. Most establishments open between 7:30 a.m. and 18:30 p.m.. Parents with slightly (or a lot) staggered schedules are sometimes forced to have the additional use of a babysitter to make the transition between closing and returning home, which negates the financial advantage of this mode. on call. However, there are now more and more nurseries that offer staggered hours.
The risk of contamination
Nativity scenes sometimes look like real culture broths in winter. Children keep passing on to each other all the viruses lying around. A child in a crèche generally spends several months alternating between rhinitis, ear infections and gastroenteritis. At the same time, when he returns to kindergarten, he will no longer be ill.
A lower relative cost
The crèche is reputed to be the cheapest type of childcare. This remains true for the most modest households (those receiving up to 2 and a half minimum wage per month). For the other homes, the cost of the nursery and that of a childminder are more or less the same
Permanently open structures
Except in exceptional cases, such as strikes, nurseries are open all year round. Parents are therefore less at the mercy of the hazards encountered with a single employee who may fall ill or who will take vacation. However, these structures organize several pedagogical days during the year, generally one per term. That day, we have to find another type of childcare.
A community not necessarily adapted
Community is a double-edged sword. Some parents like it for the socialization it brings to their child. Still, socialization does not make much sense for the little ones. A baby will be more secure with only one person to take care of him, what is called an “attachment figure”, even if the nurseries set up “referents” for this. Problem: with the turnover of early childhood staff, who leave one establishment for another, your baby may thus have two or three “referees” in the year. In addition, group life does not necessarily allow the implementation of personalized rhythms.