The number of COVID-19 victims in Poland has exceeded 80. It is as if Nowy Sącz has disappeared from the map of the country
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On November 19, the Ministry of Health reported 403 deaths from COVID-19. Thus, the number of deaths caused by this disease in Poland exceeded 80. Many more men than women died. Two newborns were the youngest victims of the coronavirus.

  1. The first COVID-19 victim in Poland was a 57-year-old woman from Poznań who died on March 12 last year.
  2. After 21 months, the number of coronavirus victims in Poland is 80. 399 people. This number is similar to the number of inhabitants of Nowy Sącz
  3. The greatest number of deaths was among the oldest people, but the list of victims includes several teenagers as well as newborns
  4. More information about the coronavirus can be found on the TvoiLokony home page

Coronavirus in Poland. 80 thousand people died from COVID-19

80 thousand people is more or less the same as the population of Nowy Sącz or Jelenia Góra. This is how many people have died in Poland from COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic.

The first case of the SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus in Poland was found on March 4, 2020, it was a patient from Zielona Góra. The first fatal victim was a 57-year-old woman from Poznań. She died on March 12, 2020.

40 thousand We passed the number of victims on February 11 this year.

The greatest number of fatalities was recorded in the province. Mazowieckie – over 10 The second place is Śląskie (9), and Wielkopolskie (773) in the third. The smallest number of victims was in the Lubuskie (7 597) and Opolskie (2 103) voivodships.

Coronavirus deaths – what do we know about the dead?

In the Database of System and Implementation Analyzes of the Ministry of Health, you can find data (collected until November 14) by about 71 thousand. deaths. They show that more men than women died from the coronavirus. There were 39 thousand victims among men. 696, or 56 percent. all. 31 thousand women died. 119. Some of the victims listed in the database are not gender-specific.

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Last year, the youngest victims of the coronavirus were two 3-year-old children. This year, two newborns and two one-year-old girls died. In addition, a 2020-year-old girl died in 14, this year there were at least six victims under the age of 18. In most cases, child deaths were associated with comorbidities.

The coronavirus has taken the biggest toll among the oldest. 1,6 thousand have died since the beginning of the pandemic people aged 90 and over 5 more than 90 years old.

Coronavirus in Poland – deaths in earlier waves

The fourth wave of coronavirus in Poland has been going on for several weeks. The death toll began to rise from the end of the summer vacation. Counting from the beginning of September, 5 died in Poland. 41 people.

What was it like during previous COVID-19 waves?

During the third wave, from the beginning of March to the end of June, over 31 people died. people. The most tragic day then was April 8 – then the Ministry of Health reported 954 deaths. The average daily number of victims over the last seven days was the highest on April 14, and then it was 603. The lowest average before the increase in infections was recorded on February 21 – 195. The deaths peaked after two months, then the number of deaths began to decline.

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Currently (as of November 18), the daily average for the past week is 210. On September 1, there were 5 victims. The peak of the current wave is still ahead of us, so what experts said that the fourth wave will last longer than the third, spring wave is confirmed.

During the second wave, from September 2020 to January 2021, over 35 people died. people.

When will the peak of infection be? Forecast

The forecasts for the course of the epidemic in Poland are being worked on by, among others, a team of experts from the Interdisciplinary Center for Mathematical and Computational Modeling at the University of Warsaw under the supervision of dr. Franciszek Rakowski from the Epidemiological Model Group.

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– In the coming weeks there will be more increases in the number of infections. However, the phase of the fastest climb to the top is already behind us. The growth will therefore slow down. We predict that we will achieve an average number of infections at the level of 27-28 thousand. Of course, we are talking about the daily average of seven days. This means that the reading in the middle of the week – on Wednesday or Thursday – can easily reach even 38. infections. This, however, results from the method of reporting the collected data – explained Dr. Rakowski.

His team calculated that the current wave of infections will peak around December 5.

– Then there will be a climax – said Dr. Rakowski. – Over the Christmas period, however, there will be a peak of hospitalization. We will then need approx. 30 thousand. beds for COVID-19 patients, he added.

Deaths due to COVID-19. How do they look in other countries?

All over the world, it has already died from the coronavirus 5 million 150 thousand people. With over 80 fatalities in the global ranking are in the 17th place. We are far from the leading countries. In the United States, nearly 19 have died from COVID-790., in Brazil over 612 thousand, in India over 465 thousand, in Mexico almost 292 thousand, and in Our Country almost 262 thousand. people. However, these are countries with a much larger population than Poland.

Ukraine, with 43 million inhabitants, is located just behind our country. 80 died there. 231 people.

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In China, where the coronavirus pandemic began, only 4 died according to official data. 636 people, but it is difficult to consider this data as reliable.

The list looks a bit different if you take into account the balance of fatalities per number of inhabitants. In this perspective, Peru is in the first place with almost 6. casualties per million inhabitants. Next are Bulgaria (3), Bosnia and Herzegovina (924), Montenegro (3), North Macedonia (745) and Hungary (3).

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Poland ranks 27th. So far, there have been 2 thousand. 128 deaths per million inhabitants.

Brazil is the highest of the countries with the highest number of coronavirus casualties globally. With the indicator of 2 thousand. 852 is in 11th place. The United States is in 20th place (2 365).

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