The NRL is calling for guidelines on commissioning coronavirus testing
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SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus tests are one of the most important topics in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic. Due to the lack of clear guidelines as to ordering the tests, the president of the Supreme Medical Council called on the GIS to prepare them. The guidelines would specify which doctor can order coronavirus tests, as well as to whom and under what circumstances.

Coronavirus tests – appeal of the Supreme Medical Council

About the need to increase the number of performed SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus tests it is said for a long time. According to the statements of the Minister of Health, Łukasz Szumowski, the available pool of coronavirus tests is not fully used in Poland. A few days ago, the Presidium of the Supreme Medical Council called on the National Health Fund to draw up guidelines that would clearly define the rules for commissioning tests for the presence of coronavirus. Due to the lack of a response from the National Health Fund, today there is information about another appeal.

According to Gazeta Lekarska, Andrzej Matyja, the president of the Supreme Medical Council, appealed to the Chief Sanitary Inspector Jarosław Pinkas to preparation of guidelines for commissioning research. The possibility of performing an increased number of tests requires the creation of clear regulations confirmed by public authorities, which was emphasized by the President of the NRL.

When should coronavirus tests be ordered?

The medical council assessed that every doctor – regardless of the form and place of employment – should be entitled to order coronavirus tests financed from public funds. The prerequisite for commissioning the tests should be specific medical indications, on the basis of which the doctor would refer patients for tests, himself and medical staff employed by the same medical entity.

The medical indications that should allow doctors to order tests for coronavirus infection include:

  1. development of fever, cough, shortness of breath (at least one of these symptoms) in people who have stayed or returned from an area with local or low-prevalence COVID-19 transmission; in this case, the test may be ordered when the clinical picture of the patient cannot be fully explained on the basis of another etiology;
  2. the above-mentioned symptoms occurring in a person who had close contact with a person suffering from COVID-14 or a person living with such a person within 19 days before their occurrence;
  3. hospitalization of a patient with symptoms of a severe respiratory system infection, and this infection is not fully explained by another etiology;
  4. symptoms suggesting a respiratory system infection occurring in professionally active medical workers who have contact with people infected with coronavirus while performing your daily duties.

Have a question about the coronavirus? Send them to the following address: [email protected]. You will find a daily updated list of answers HERE: Coronavirus – frequently asked questions and answers.

Read also:

  1. Coverage of the COVID-19 coronavirus [MAP]
  2. Coronavirus in Poland. Who won’t have to cover their mouth and nose?
  3. Wrocław: The first patient qualified for the study of the influence of chloroquine on the course of coronavirus infection

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