Film «Bank Imperial»

Real men are ready to give their lives for what is dear to them.

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The level of fear is accepted, allowed, and considered normal in culture.

In the culture of men and women, in different groups and parties, in groups of different ages, professional denominations and different states, the norm of fear can vary greatly.

The girl is more allowed to be afraid and cowardly, the boys — to a lesser extent. Little boys can be afraid, men can no longer be afraid. At the same time, the most cowardly Spartan warriors were much bolder and more courageous than most modern male office workers.

The norm of fear is changeable and usually depends on the level of fears of the body and on what has been brought up in a person or the person has brought up in himself.

body fear level

The level of body fears depends primarily on the level of female hormones. That is why girls are more prone to fear from birth, the tendency to be afraid changes with hormonal treatment and usually changes with age, with a change in the ratio of male and female hormones in the body.

In this regard, there is reason to talk about bodily fearlessness.

Adminal Nelson, both in his own memoirs and in the memoirs of his contemporaries, was in principle devoid of a sense of fear. Just as a color-blind person does not see red, so from birth he did not understand what fear is. He didn’t have that function in his body.

Education of courage, fearlessness and courage

There is courage — the ability to perceive a terrible situation as a challenge, with enthusiasm and a rise in strength.

“There is rapture in battle and a gloomy abyss on the edge …” Some usually calm people, faced with an obstacle and a challenge, suddenly transform into powerful monsters and go forward, increasing their energy in proportion to the rising obstacles.

There is courage — the ability to go forward, being stronger than their fears.

A brave man feels fear, his body is afraid, but he has the strength to overcome himself, lift his body and do his due in spite of his fears.

There is mental stamina — the ability to hold one’s position, one’s line and not retreat, despite fears and threats. A resilient person may be afraid, but has the strength not to give up. «But Pasaran! They will not pass” is the slogan of resilient people.

Mental fearlessness is a combination of boldness, bravery and courage.

Of the historical figures, Alexander the Great, Alexander Suvorov, King Frederick the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte were distinguished by spiritual fearlessness …

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