The non-union diet – rules, indications, effects

The no-link diet is a nutritional program that does not combine proteins and carbohydrates in one meal. Such a diet allows you to reduce weight quite quickly and get rid of excess body fat, but it should not be used for more than three weeks – otherwise it may lead to the yo-yo effect.

What is the disconnection diet?

The no-joining diet it is composing meals in such a way that they do not contain protein and carbohydrates at the same time. The no-joining diet was developed by dr William Haya, who divided food products into three groups: protein, carbohydrate and neutral.

For food products with protein group these include cooked meat, fish, poultry, cold cuts, eggs, milk and cheeses up to 50% fat, and fruit (except bananas).

Food products z carbohydrate group for example: bread (white and dark), groats, rice, pasta, potatoes, dried fruit, bananas and sugar (including sweets, of course).

The third group is defined food products as neutral. These include dairy products such as yoghurts and kefirs, cottage cheese, cream and fatty cheeses (containing more than 50% fat), vegetables, cold-smoked meat and fish, and fats (mainly vegetable).

The no-joining diet recommends eliminating sugar, salt, coffee, strong black tea, alcohol, red meat, cold meats, fried and cooked dishes with spicy spices, cakes, cookies and chocolate (and other sweets) from your meals.

Instead of these products, it is recommended to eat wholemeal bread, oatmeal, buckwheat, vegetables, sweet fruit, sprouts, seeds and seeds.

The rules of the non-union diet are as follows:

  1. In one meal you can combine protein foods with neutral or carbohydrate with neutral, never protein and carbohydrate (which means that you can not eat, for example, a sandwich with cheese or cold cuts).
  2. The daily caloric intake should be limited to 1000. Meals should be small but eaten often. This means eating three small basic meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and two small snacks a day.
  3. Every day you should eat one meal prepared on the basis of carbohydrate products, one protein meal and one meal containing only vegetables and fruits. A minimum of 2-3 hours of break should be maintained between meals (so that the digestive system can digest the previous meal).
  4. You can drink (preferably water and herbal infusions, or green tea) only between meals (do not drink food).
  5. Each meal (especially lunch and dinner) should contain one “fat burner”, such as vitamin C, magnesium, iron, calcium, carnitine, iodine or chromium.

Who is the non-union diet recommended for?

The no-joining diet can be used after consulting a doctor. The non-protein and carbohydrate non-protein nutritional program only provides 1000 kcal per day, so it isn’t diet right for everyone. 1000 kcal is too small a dose of energy even for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, and in the case of people who are slimming, they usually use additional physical exercises to help reduce body weight. The no-joining diet it may therefore turn out to be insufficient in some cases. It should not be used by people suffering from cardiovascular problems and diabetes. The no-joining diet is absolutely not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

The no-joining diet is considered to be a deficiency dietwhich means that its use may cause weakness, malaise and a decrease in vital energy.


Not all diets are healthy and safe for our body. It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any diet, even if you do not have any health concerns.

When choosing a diet, never follow the current fashion. Remember that some diets, incl. low in particular nutrients or strongly limiting calories, and mono-diets can be debilitating for the body, carry a risk of eating disorders, and can also increase appetite, contributing to a quick return to the former weight.

How long can you follow the non-coupling diet?

The no-joining dietalthough it is healthy and provides the body with minerals and vitamins necessary for its work, it should not be used any longer than for three weeks. After this time, its use may be associated with the yo-yo effect, because the body gets used to the new diet and activates the mechanisms of energy saving provided with food, that is, it begins to accumulate adipose tissue for “worse times”.

What are the effects of the disconnection diet?

The no-joining diet allows you to quickly lose unnecessary kilograms, but its use for more than three weeks may have the opposite effect. The body gets used to the reduced food ration and the reduced amount of energy supplied with food and switches to the “saving” program. In this way, we not only stop losing weight (despite consuming a small amount of calories), but also the yo-yo effect appears as soon as we eat something extra or return to the old diet. The no-joining diet slows down the metabolism, which makes subsequent attempts to lose weight more and more difficult.

Scientific studies have not shown any particular effectiveness non-joining diet proteins and carbohydrates – effects its use is associated with its low calorific value.

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