Kai Diawne is a XNUMX-year-old from Hexthorpe, England, who has been suffering from Arnold-Chiari Syndrome since birth. It is a rare condition where structures in the hindbrain have displaced into the spinal canal. Recently, a series of treatments was performed, thanks to which the boy is recovering.
Kai Diawne is a XNUMX-year-old from Hexthorpe, England, who has been suffering from Arnold-Chiari Syndrome since birth. It is a rare condition where structures in the hindbrain have displaced into the spinal canal. Recently, a series of treatments was performed, thanks to which the boy is recovering.
Doctors subjected the boy to a series of nine treatments that lasted nearly 20 hours. Ultimately, however, the boy’s brain was put in place. “It will be his first Christmas without pain and disease”, says Kai’s mother, touched by this situation.
The boy has gone through many difficult situations in his life, but his mother admits that he never stopped smiling. The nine-year-old also wants to help other people in need. He just needs to be fully functional.