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Vomiting and loss of appetite – these are two new, so far unknown symptoms of Omikron. According to the research conducted through the ZOE COVID application, they mainly concern the vaccinated.

As he believes, quoted by «The Times of India» epidemiologist prof. Tim Spector, the Omikron variant is as prevalent in unvaccinated as in vaccinated people. However, the latter are more likely to report milder symptoms. It turns out, however, that people who received two doses of the vaccine and those who received an additional booster dose of the preparation had two, previously unnoticed symptoms – vomiting and loss of appetite.

  1. Read: How to treat an Omicron infection at home? This cannot be forgotten

Check it out: Unusual symptom of Omicron. It appears on the skin

The new symptoms were noticed thanks to the British ZOE COVID program, which allows sick and vaccinated people to report symptoms and descriptions of the course of a disease that the whole world is currently struggling with to British scientists and researchers.

Omikron — symptomy

Until now, it was believed that Omikron did not have any specific symptoms and that the mild course of the infection could be mistaken for a cold. Now it is known that it is different. However, apart from the two effects already mentioned, a whole range of symptoms can be observed.

  1. katar
  2. headache
  3. feeling tired (light or strong)
  4. sneezing
  5. sore throat

Check if you’ve come into contact with the coronavirus by taking the COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Check up.

Omikron – what is this COVID-19 variant?

Omikron is a variant of COVID-19 that was discovered in late November in South Africa. The distinguishing feature of the Omikron variant is a large number of mutations that may facilitate its spread, affect the course of the infection and increase its resistance to vaccines. We write more about the new variety here.

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