The new patient and doctor
An interview with Martin Winckler, physician and author
Martin Winckler, MD – New Physician and Patient French general practitioner in his early fifties, Dr Marc Zaffran enjoys a notoriety that goes beyond its medical practice environment. It is on the other hand better known under the name of Martin Winckler, the pseudonym he uses to sign his novels, essays, articles and radio columns. This notoriety increased suddenly in 1999, when the film was released. The confessions of Doctor Sachs, taken from his book Doctor Sachs disease. His written work already contains about thirty titles. As a physician, he specialized in contraception, but his fields of expertise or professional interest also concern the patient rights, nursing profession andmedical education (in France, he says, this teaching is archaic and authoritarian). In his novel The three doctors, for example, the protagonists rewrite a more committed Hippocratic Oath … Many of his colleagues enjoy discussing these topics with him, making him an increasingly frequent guest at conferences and seminars of health professionals. We met him during his visit to Montreal for the launch of a new collection of books that he directs, Health in questions, published by Éditions de l’Homme. |
Do you want to read what Martin Winckler has to say? Click here.
Lucie Dumoulin – PasseportSanté.net
September 29, 2008
Some books by Martin Winckler
Doctor Sachs disease (roman), Martin Winckler, Folio, France, 2005 (POL, 1998)
The three doctors (roman), Martin Winckler, Folio, France, 2007 (POL, 2004) Choose your contraception, Martin Winckler, Éditions de l’Homme, coll. Health issues, Canada, 2008, and Fleurus, France, 2007We are all patients, Martin Winckler, LGF, France, 2005 (STOCK, 2003)