The negative effects of alcohol abuse are visible on the skin

It has been known for a long time that alcohol is a poison that has a negative effect on health. When consumed in excess, it is absorbed into the bloodstream and then distributed to all systems in the human body, from the nervous, through digestive and immune systems, to the circulatory and endocrine systems. What are the negative effects of alcohol abuse on the skin? How Can I Know an Alcoholic? Does the amount and frequency of alcohol consumption affect the appearance and condition of the skin?

  1. Consuming alcohol in excessive amounts has a negative effect on the appearance and condition of the skin
  2. Overuse of alcoholic beverages shows visible signs, especially on the face, causing swelling, spider veins, dryness or redness
  3. Alcohol also contributes to the emergence and development of skin diseases – its abuse increases the risk of fungal and bacterial infections, psoriasis, urticaria and rosacea.
  4. Alcohol-induced skin changes may indicate serious organ-related diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver. Ignoring them may result in complete organ degradation
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The effect of excess alcohol on the skin

Drinking too much alcohol interferes with many processes in the body. One of them is metabolism. Alcoholic beverages cause dehydration, which affects the external appearance of the face – the skin loses its firmness, becomes dry and dull, and more prone to irritation and micro-injuries.

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People who drink a lot are more prone to various types of bacterial or fungal infections and are at increased risk of developing skin diseases such as psoriasis, rubella and rosacea.

Other consequences of consuming too much alcohol include:

  1. accelerated aging of skin cells,
  2. slowed down production of collagen and protein – it is the main building component of the skin,
  3. toxic effect on tissues and thus – impaired absorption of essential nutrients: deficiencies of vitamins and mineral elements result in the loss of immunity and the development of unsightly skin changes on the face.

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Symptoms of alcoholism on the face

How Can I Know an Alcoholic? The complexion of people who abuse alcohol is duller and prone to irritation, it also has an unsightly gray-yellow tinge and wrinkles, which makes the face look older. The skin of drinkers tends to burst capillaries, high alcohol consumption also causes vasodilation, which leads to reddening of the cheeks and nose. Additionally, large, red spots may appear on it – this is a symptom of alcohol intolerance.

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Persistent erythema may develop on the face of people who regularly drink large amounts of alcohol, which indicates the development of rosacea. One of the hallmark symptoms of this skin disease is a lumpy red nose (rhinophyma). Additionally, lumps and pustules on the chin, forehead, cheeks and ears may also be observed.

The only effective way to eliminate redness of the skin caused by alcohol abuse is to significantly reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages or even completely abandon them.

  1. Alcohol and the condition of the liver, pancreas and skin

Other features typical of people who are addicted to alcohol are blue shadows, puffiness, bags under the eyes. Strong swelling gives the face an unsightly and tired look, in addition, it may indicate a progressive degradation of internal organs, such as the kidneys or the liver. If you notice this type of symptom, you should stop drinking alcohol and start fighting the addiction immediately, otherwise the prognosis may be very poor.

Find out more: Alcohol promotes atrial fibrillation

Alcohol and nutritional deficiencies

Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to the leaching of essential nutrients from the body and interferes with the absorption of certain compounds in the digestive system. Inadequate nutrition as well as protein, mineral and vitamin deficiencies result in brittle hair and nails, and contribute to visible changes in the appearance of the skin.

Worth knowing

The facial skin of alcoholics is dull and gray, giving the impression of being older. Cracks or erosions may also appear on it.

In people who abuse alcohol, deficiencies may occur:

  1. calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc,
  2. vitamins: A, B2, C, E, K.

Insufficient amounts of minerals and vitamins can cause various health ailments, including skin diseases. For example, vitamin C deficiency in alcoholics results in the appearance of bloody bruises under the skin, as well as disturbs the wound healing processes, slowing down their course.

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Itchy skin after alcohol

Among the common symptoms of alcohol abuse is itching of the skin. There are many reasons for itching, including:

  1. alcohol allergy
  2. progressive dehydration of the body and excessive drying of the skin,
  3. diseases of the liver and bile ducts, such as cirrhosis of the liver,
  4. neoplastic diseases – excessive alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of cancer, e.g. lymphoma.

Cutaneous symptoms of liver cirrhosis – a disease caused by alcohol abuse

Itchy skin is not the only symptom of cirrhosis of the liver. Other visible skin symptoms from alcohol abuse and subsequent liver damage include:

  1. a characteristic yellow shade of the skin,
  2. spider veins on the face and chest,
  3. dilatation of blood vessels along with reddening of the skin,
  4. persistent erythema on the face and hands.

In people with advanced cirrhosis of the liver, including those associated with alcohol abuse, excessive pigmentation of the skin may also occur. The so-called the symptom of “bronze diabetes” appearing in alcoholics on the hands, armpits, groin, as well as on the loins, indicates impaired iron absorption from the gastrointestinal tract and hemochromatosis.

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Alcohol abuse contributes to the development and exacerbation of many skin diseases

Alcohol abuse can result in de novo diseases as well as in exacerbation of existing skin diseases. The consequences of consuming excessive amounts of high-alcohol drinks are:

  1. hives and accompanying severe itching, as well as a feeling of warming the skin,
  2. bacterial and fungal infections,
  3. pimple eczema,
  4. exacerbation of existing conditions, such as psoriasis or rosacea.

In recent years, many scientists have been interested in the relationship between alcohol and psoriasis in particular. Research suggests that the risk of developing psoriasis may be greater in drinkers.

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease that affects up to 5% of people. Western populations. The mechanism of its formation has not been fully understood – it is assumed that genetic and environmental factors are of decisive importance for the etiology.

The link between psoriasis and alcohol was suggested, among others, by the winner of the 2020 German Psoriasis Society research grant, Dr. Alexander Zink. A study by his team found that patients with psoriasis are more likely to be dependent on alcohol.

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Meanwhile, American scientists led by Dr. Craig A. Elmetsem from the University of Alabama at Birmingham showed that alcohol consumption is associated with a greater risk of more severe psoriasis. Avoiding high-alcohol drinks, they say, may lead to better health in psoriasis patients.

Does the frequency and amount of alcohol consumption matter?

It turns out that how alcohol affects the appearance of the skin depends on the frequency and amount of alcohol drinks. While one-time consumption of small doses of alcohol does not cause significant negative effects, risky alcohol consumption (one-time abuse and over a specified period of time) and chronic drinking can result in numerous health problems. How Much Alcohol Is A Safe Limit? According to the WHO, this depends on gender as well as whether someone drinks occasionally or daily.


A safe dose of alcohol in the case of occasional drinking for men is no more than 60 g 100%. alcohol, which translates into 3 half-liter bottles of beer, 3 glasses of wine with a capacity of 200 ml or 180 ml of vodka, while women should not exceed 40 g of 100% at one time. alcohol, which means 2 half-liter bottles of beer, 2 glasses of wine with a capacity of 200 ml each or 120 ml of vodka.

However, when it comes to chronic drinking, it is recommended to abstain for at least 2 days a week and not to exceed:

  1. in men – 40 g 100 percent. alcohol per day, which amounts to 2 half-liter beers, 2 glasses of wine with a capacity of 200 ml or 120 ml of vodka,
  2. in women – 20 g 100% alcohol per day (1 half-liter beer, 1 glass of wine with a capacity of 200 ml or 60 ml of vodka).

The World Health Organization (WHO) is alarming that alcohol consumption is linked to 200 different diseases and is the third most important harmful factor.

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Since alcohol abuse adversely affects almost all systems in the human body, wreaking havoc on them, the visible signs on the skin that appear after drinking high-alcohol drinks should not be underestimated. Their presence may indicate developing alcoholism or organ diseases – this is probably the last moment to limit stimulants and take care of your physical condition while there is still time.

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