The National Blood Center appeals to donate blood due to the growing demand for this raw material. Blood of all groups is needed, but most of all – blood of group 0. Who can donate? How to find a blood donation point?

  1. Donors can be people between 18 and 65 who meet certain conditions
  2. All blood types are needed, although Rh-negative (ORhD-) blood is the most desirable. In an emergency, it can be passed on to anyone without risk of rejection
  3. Blood can be donated at any Blood Donation and Blood Treatment Center
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Due to the expected increased demand for blood and its components, we ask donors to check the inventory levels on an ongoing basis, which are published on the websites of the Blood Donation and Blood Treatment Centers, the National Blood Center reported.

Who can donate blood?

Blood or its components may be donated by people between 18 and 65 years of age who weigh at least 50 kg, who have not had acupuncture, tattooing, piercing of the ears or other parts of the body in the last six months, have not undergone any surgeries, endoscopic and other diagnostic tests (e.g. gastroscopy or laparoscopy) and were not treated with blood and its components.

Temporarily disqualifying blood donation include:

  1. acupuncture, tattoos or piercing of the ears (and other parts of the body) – for 6 months after the procedure,
  2. procedures such as: gastroscopy, panedoscopy, arthroscopy, laparoscopy – for 6 months after the procedure,
  3. being treated with blood or its components – for 6 months after the end of treatment,
  4. breastfeeding – for 3 months after the end of feeding,
  5. menstruation – 3 days after the end of menstruation,
  6. suffering from influenza and other infections with a fever above 38 degrees C – for 2 weeks after the symptoms disappear after recovery,
  7. vaccination against influenza or jaundice – at least after 48 hours,
  8. other diseases, e.g. rheumatic fever, tuberculosis, osteomyelitis and flu / cold – causing temporary disqualification of the donor.

Permanent disqualification occurs, inter alia, where:

  1. cardiovascular diseases, in addition to birth defects
  2. nervous system diseases,
  3. tendency to pathological bleeding,
  4. respiratory system diseases,
  5. diseases of the immune system,
  6. diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys,
  7. skin conditions,
  8. diseases of the blood and hematopoietic system,
  9. diabetes,
  10. infectious diseases: hepatitis B and C virus infection, viral hepatitis of unknown virus type, jaundice of unknown etiology, HIV – 1/2, HTLV I / II, tularemia,
  11. syphilis,
  12. spongy degeneration of the brain,
  13. digestive system diseases, 
  14. use of psychoactive substances,
  15. malignant tumors, 
  16. epilepsy,
  17. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.

Pursuant to the Act on the public blood service, a candidate for a blood donor or blood donor is required to know the Polish language sufficiently to enable the completion of the blood donor questionnaire, conducting a qualifying examination and medical interview without the participation of third parties.

  1. Polish doctors concerned about the situation in Ukraine. They appeal for blood

Where to donate blood?

Blood can be donated at any Blood Donation and Blood Treatment Center, field ward or during a mobile blood donation campaign, regardless of where you live.

The list of permanent blood collection points is available on the website.

«Due to the expected increased demand for blood and its components, please check the demand for blood and its components on an ongoing basis, which is published on the websites of the Blood Donation and Blood Treatment Centers in order to adjust blood donation to the current needs. Human life is a priceless value, therefore cooperation in the field of adapting blood collection and its components to the changing needs is particularly important »- indicated the National Blood Center.

Which blood groups are needed?

All blood types are needed. From a useful point of view, Rh-negative blood (ORhD-) is most expected because in an emergency, in the absence of the correct group blood, it can be transfused to anyone without risk of rejection by the recipient. With regard to plasma, the plasma from the AB group (so-called universal) is the most expected, because it can be safely transfused to each patient.

  1. Blood group 0 – the universal blood of the world

Author: Katarzyna Lechowicz-Dyl

Read also:

  1. Zelenskiy calls for blood donation. Actions are also taking place in Poland
  2. An appeal from Western Ukraine: we will be grateful for all support and help from everyone
  3. Aid to Ukraine. This is what is needed most right now

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